Beyond the Algorithm: How Killer Content Wins on Social Media Every Time

Beyond the Algorithm: How Killer Content Wins on Social Media Every Time

Creating content that captivates and converts is essential to stand out on social media. But with algorithms and trends constantly changing, it can be overwhelming.

There's one aspect you can control and master: content creation. 

When I first started out, I had no idea how to edit reels, write compelling captions, or even what a hook was. But through curiosity, experimentation, and learning from other creators, I transformed my approach. Today, I have a following of over 120,000 on Instagram and TikTok, and a significant portion of my revenue comes directly from social media. 

I'll share why investing in your content creation skills is crucial for your business and my latest training to explode your IG Reels.

In this episode, you’ll learn…

  •  [00:29] Content is King: The importance of creating high-quality, captivating content that grabs attention and converts viewers into loyal customers.

  • [03:27] Adaptability: Social media platforms and algorithms are always changing, but the demand for exceptional content remains constant. 

  • [04:55] Content Creation Journey: My personal journey from struggling with content creation to building a following of over 120,000 on Instagram and TikTok. 

  • [10:41] Benefits of Great Content: Increased brand visibility, competitive advantage, lead generation, and adaptability across platforms. 

  • [10:12]High-Volume Content: Creating a high quantity of content is essential for learning and improving your skills. 

  • [13:57] Hot Reels Membership: Introduction to my new 12-month Instagram content lab designed to transform your content creation skills and boost your business. 

Links mentioned in this episode…

HOT REELS Waitlist

Insta-Growth: The 30-Day Private Instagram Mentorship (SAVE $200 WITH CODE "PODCAST") -

Free guide to Monetize Your IG: Seven Simple and Proven Ways to Finally Make Money on Instagram

Apply for your FREE Instagram Breakthrough Call with Elizabeth


[00:29] “Mastering the art of content creation is one of the best investments you can make as a business owner." 

 [10:12] "Better quality content doesn’t magically appear; it comes from practice, doing, and creating a high volume of content."

[04:26] "It is imperative that if you want to be successful on any social media platform, that you learn how to create the most compelling, jaw-dropping, educational, informative, entertaining content."


S3 Ep14  Beyond the Algorithm: How Killer Content Wins on Social Media Every Time

Elizabeth Marberry: 00:00


No matter what social media platform you choose to play on and market your business on, the truth is, is that the algorithm is always changing. The trends are always changing and it can feel really overwhelming as a business owner to try to keep up. And so today's episode is all about this one aspect of social media marketing that you can control.


and you can master and not only master it, but have the most fun in creating it. And that is content. Content is king. And today we are gonna be talking about why mastering the art of content creation is one of the best investments that you can make as a business owner. I cannot wait to get into this, so let's get started. Welcome to Struttit.


A podcast about creating bold visibility on social media with zero apologies. I'm Elizabeth Marberry, your host and Instagram marketing coach. I help small business owners get seen on Instagram and monetize their offers so they can make more money doing their sole lead work. If you're tired of spinning your wheels on Instagram and you're seeking simple, proven Instagram marketing strategies that actually work, you're in the right place. Let's dive in.


Welcome back to the show. Today we are going to geek out on all things content creation and why it is so important for you as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, if you are wanting to grow your brand online and get more leads, get more sales, which what business doesn't. And so I know you're going to get so much value from today's episode and I'm so thrilled to share this with you.


So we all know that social media is a powerhouse for marketing. And as these platforms evolve and new ones emerge, and it doesn't matter if we're talking about Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, there is one constant across all social media platforms, and that is content is


And not just any content. Gone are the days where you could just post a photo and write a caption and be done with it. We're talking about content that captivates people, that stops the scroll and grabs their attention. Content that will convert them into a follower and a follower into one of your biggest raving fans. And then eventually transitioning that raving fan into a paying client or customer.


And the truth is that social media is always changing. Yes, you have to befriend change and you have to expect it if you are wanting to really master the art of marketing your business on social media. So what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow and platforms will come and go, algorithms will shift and...


One thing remains the same and that is that demand for exceptional content. The demand for exceptional high quality, high value content only grows stronger. These apps make money by users consuming the content on their platforms. They make money by selling ads and they want you to stay on their app for as long as


So as a person who is marketing their business on social media, if you can create a piece of content that someone's going to sit and watch for 60 seconds, that will help to drive the revenue of these companies. So it is imperative that if you want to be successful on any social media platform, that you learn how to create the most compelling, jaw dropping, educational, informative, entertaining content.


And if you think about your favorite content creators out there, they are the ones winning the game. They are turning their viewers into followers and those followers into loyal paying customers. And how you get to that point is by mastering the art of content creation. There's different elements of that and we're going to get into that today.


And I want to share that that was a huge part of my journey for me to create a following of over 120,000 combined account followers on Instagram and TikTok. Believe me, when I first started creating content and posting content for my business, I really did not understand what I was doing. I didn't know how to edit my reels. I didn't know how to write a compelling caption.


I never heard of a hook. I didn't know to put a call to action on my video or necessarily in my caption. I wasn't sure how to engage my community or even how to build a community. So we all start from zero. We all start from zero followers and I made a very intentional choice to get curious about how people were using social media to grow their brands.


to sell more of their products, to build a giant Facebook community where they would never run out of leads. To me, social media is always just a massive opportunity, a massive opportunity, and the barrier to entry is so low. All you need is your smartphone. You don't need a ring light, you don't need a fancy microphone, you don't need all of the bells and whistles you can start creating today, and I love that.


I absolutely love that element of social media. And it is when I started to really go all in on learning and testing and listening in to other creators and what was working for them and watching their content and studying it and reverse engineering what I saw was working for them and then testing it out in my own content, seeing what resonated with my ideal clients, seeing what didn't.


That's when my account really started to grow. If you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you know that our results were incredible. In 2023, when we blew up on Instagram and TikTok, we had an 84% increase in sales and we got over 4,000 people on our email list that year, which I continue to market to this day. I continue to make sales from those efforts. Now, last year in 2023.


Our revenue, not even leads, 30% of our revenue in my dance studio business came directly from Instagram. That is 30% of revenue, not even leads. Our leads were way higher. So I know this works. I have tested this out on multiple platforms. I have grown multiple accounts on Instagram for my personal brand, for my studio brand, on TikTok for my studio, and of course, supporting my private


grow and master the art of content creation, because it's a skillset like anything else. So yes, it's discouraging. We can't control the algorithms. We can't control all of the trends and changes, but guess what? We can control our content, and that's where your power lies. So I want to encourage you to invest in


yourself in time, energy, resources to hone your skills and pour into your growth so you can continually improve your content because this is a skill that applies to everywhere you market your business. So all of the content creation aspects that I have mastered on Instagram, I can use in my email list because guess what? In an email list, you have to have a hook.


No one is going to open your email. If you don't have a hook at the top of your email, no one is going to read your. Content. So that's what really excites me about marketing and about content creation is once you can understand these concepts and you feel confident and you know how to do it, you can apply it to anywhere you show up for your business. This podcast, for example, think about the title of a podcast episode. That is a hook.


how I speak to you, the way I speak to you. It's all intentional and it's all from those skills and tools that I have learned on my content creation journey. So it's incredible the opportunity here for you if you decide to really go all in on mastering the art of content creation. And as a person who is obsessed with it, I wanna tell you that it can be the most fun part of marketing your business. You get to be a creator.


My content creation is not marketing. It is my art. It is an expression of who I am, of my core values, of my company's core values, who we stand for and what we're all about. And that gets me out of bed. That gets me so excited to hit record and take that video and post it. But I want you to remember that better quality content doesn't magically appear.


Gosh, I wish it did. It comes from practice. It comes from doing. And here's the key, really pay attention here. It comes from creating a high volume of content, a high quantity of content and learning from each piece that you produce. This is how you get better and this is how you will stand out in a crowded marketplace.


And there's a few reasons why content creation and really investing in it and becoming good at it is a non-negotiable for business. Number one is brand visibility and awareness. So effective social media content will totally increase your brand visibility. People cannot pay you if they cannot find you, right? So it helps to attract those new customers.


build your audience and expand your reach in the crowd and marketplace. It also gives you a competitive advantage. So consumers today are bombarded with information and the businesses and brands that really excel in capturing your attention, adding storytelling to their brand, adding that personality and vibe into their work.


are gonna stand out from other competitors who are just kind of mailing it in with their blog content. Content creation is also exceptionally important for lead generation in sales, right? So a well-crafted piece of content can absolutely drive sales. It can lead to more conversions onto your email list where you can nurture your relationship with your...


ideal clients and turn them into happy, happy paying customers. And becoming the best content creator that you can be will absolutely help you adapt across other platforms. So you've heard it from me many times, as much as I love Instagram and it's totally been a game changer for my business, it is not the only place or


only social media platform that I use to market my business. You absolutely need to be showing up at least two or three other places so that way you're not putting all of your social media marketing eggs in one basket. And so as you learn these skills, you can quickly adapt them to new platforms and stay relevant on those new platforms regardless of the medium of that platform.


Imagine right now yourself in 12 months from now, imagine that you have the skills to create content that not only stops the scroll and really captures the attention of your ideal dreamboat client, but actually converts a casual viewer into a dedicated follower and really one of your biggest fans.


And imagine that fan turning into a paying customer and really boosting the bottom line of your business so you can create the business and life that you desire. That's why you got into business ownership and entrepreneurship. And that's why I am so excited to tell you about Hot Reels, my newest membership program. This is a 12-month Instagram content lab. It is designed


to not just improve your content, but transform it. Transform how you see content creation and how your audience sees you. I've covered this many times before, but if you cannot capture the attention with that hook in the first one to five seconds, your content will die a fast death. It doesn't matter how much time you spent on it, how incredible your caption is, how awesome your video is.


If you do not capture attention in those first few seconds, your video will die. And that's honestly why I spend so much of my content creation time mastering the art of hook, of hooking my audience, of capturing their attention. And in Hot Reels, the 12 month Instagram content lab, you will become a master at grabbing attention so your ideal clients can actually.


find your content and your business. In Hot Reels, you'll learn how to monetize your influence and turn your Instagram account into a revenue generating asset without all of the guesswork.


These are the same skills and strategies that moved my studio brand from six figures to multi six figures. These are proven algorithm proof strategies that actually work and you are gonna learn how to create the most compelling and fun content in Hot Reels, the 12 month Instagram content lab. And this might be my favorite part of our time together. You are going to experience stress free creation.


So say goodbye to social media stress with strategies that are not only effective and proven as I just mentioned, but also fun because in my opinion, if we can't help you discover what feels the most fun and easy and simple for you, you're not going to do it. And we need to create a sustainable plan for you so you can show up on social media consistently and with more confidence. And of course rocking it with.


the most fun. And one reason why I really felt compelled to build a membership is that entrepreneurship can feel so lonely. And I really wanted to build a community of other like-minded, ambitious, six-figure entrepreneurs who are wanting to learn this art of content creation because they know how imperative it is. They know how valuable it is.


and I wanted to create that community aspect. So you'll be in an intimate group of other business owners. Now this is not a prerecorded course that you come into, you never see me, you're doing it yourself. There are live sessions every month, there's a group where you can ask questions, you can get feedback on your content, and it's a really interactive, intimate group. My business model is for my personal design, which is that


I am not a coach or a mentor who wants to work with 3000 people. I would rather work with a smaller group of people on an intimate level. So this membership will have that sense of intimacy. You will get my eyes on your content and it's going to be the most fun. Now I know some of you are thinking, okay, Elizabeth, I hate social media, but I have a social media marketing manager or I have a


VA right now, a virtual assistant who is helping me with my social media, but guess what? It's not really performing well. What's really great about this program is if you have a studio manager, if you have a social media manager or a virtual assistant, they can join in as well. So that way they can get the training because I've said this many times, but your social media manager is only as good as the content and mentorship that you deliver them.


So as much as I wish that you could just throw money at the problem, most of the time you absolutely need to understand the skillset first and foremost before you can delegate it. And if you're busy and you already have someone that you're paying on your team, they can absolutely come into this membership, learn, and then you will get a better return on investment with that person because they will finally know what they're doing and they're gonna stop throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks.


So after 12 months in hot reels, not only will your content look professional, but it will be strategically designed to help you grow your following and boost your sales. And you will walk away with the confidence and skills to continue creating content that makes an impact no matter what platform you decide to play on. Well, we will be focusing on Instagram content in this mentorship.


Everything that you learn can be applied to other social platforms. And I'm thrilled to share that the wait list for Hot Reels, the 12 month Instagram content lab is officially open. It is free to join the wait list. So it's a no brainer if you are feeling like this is exactly what you need to take your business to the next level. And if you wanna join the wait list, just simply DM me the word hot.


H O T reels are E E L S on Instagram. And I will send you that link to hop on the waitlist and believe me, you're going to want to join the waitlist because if you decide to enroll, you as my waitlist or we'll get two free months in the program and you get first look, because as I said, this is an intimate circle. I might decide to cap it at


a certain number of enrollments because I wanted to feel really intimate and supportive to the people in the container. So wait-listers will have first access to join the program. And like I said, if you decide to enroll, then you would get two free months in the program, but only if you are on my wait list. So don't hesitate a second further, hop on over to my Instagram, which is just my name, Elizabeth.


Marberry, M-A-R-B-E-R-R-Y, send me a direct message with the words hot, reals, that's H-O-T-R-E-E-L-S, and I will send you that link to hop on the wait list. You have two choices moving forward from here. A, you can spend years trying to figure this out on your own through trial and error and hoping that what you post will eventually work.


Or you can skip the guesswork and learn from somebody who's already crushing it on Instagram. Yep. That's me. Shameless plug and get a head start on making your Instagram a powerhouse for your business. DM me the word hot reels on Instagram and I will get you that link so you can join the wait list. And I cannot wait to dive into more value strategies and tips that actually work on Instagram and other social platforms with you.


Thank you for listening to Strut It. If you're ready to start leveraging Instagram to grow your business, then you're gonna wanna grab my free Monetize Your IG Guide, where you'll learn seven simple and proven ways


to finally make money on Instagram. You can grab your guide at slash freebies. That's slash freebies to get my monetize your IG guide. If you got some incredible value from today's episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe on your favorite podcast platforms and I cannot wait to start it with you again next week.


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