Reels 101: Everything Beginners Need to Know About Instagram Reels (Part 1)

Ever wonder why some Instagram accounts skyrocket while others stay stuck?

I kick off a four-part mini-series on mastering Instagram Reels in today's episode.

As your Instagram marketing coach, I'm here to show you why Reels are the secret sauce to expanding your reach and boosting your brand visibility. I'll share practical tips and strategies for creating engaging Reels, laying the groundwork for future episodes where we'll dive into the Instagram algorithm, creating viral Reels, and simple Reel ideas for beginners.

In this episode, you’ll learn…

  • [00:00] The Power of Instagram Reels

  • [01:29] Four-Part Mini-Series Overview

      - Week 1: Foundations of Instagram Reels.

     - Week 2:Understanding the Instagram algorithm.

     - Week 3:Secrets to creating viral Reels.

    - Week 4:Simple beginner Reel ideas.

  • [08:48] Why Reels Matter

  • [11:23] Getting Started with Reels

  • [09:15] Tips for Effective Reels

Links mentioned in this episode…

JOIN HOT REELS: The 12-Month Instagram Content Lab
An intimate, strategy-packed mentorship for established business owners ready to create killer content that stops the scroll, grows your following and attracts your dreamboat clients (even if you have no idea what to post and feel like you’re always throwing spaghetti at the wall!)

Insta-Growth: The 30-Day Private Instagram Mentorship (SAVE $200 WITH CODE "PODCAST") -

Free guide to Monetize Your IG: Seven Simple and Proven Ways to Finally Make Money on Instagram

Apply for your FREE Instagram Breakthrough Call with Elizabeth


[00:00] Instagram Reels are still king.

[08:48] A year from now, you could be a Reels expert if you just start showing up.


S3 Ep16 Reels 101: Everything Beginners Need to Know About Instagram Reels (Part 1)

Elizabeth Marberry: 00:00


A central part of the content strategy that I coach my private clients and membership clients to really focus on is Reels. Instagram Reels are still king. Yes, carousels and static posts are making their way back. Stories are very important and highly viewed, but Reels are still the number one way to expand your reach and boost your brand visibility online.


Today is the first part of a four-part mini-series that we are going to be doing here on the show that is going to teach you how to master the art of Reels basics. We're going to build a really strong foundation for you so you can start to leverage Reels more effectively in your business, maybe for the first time ever, or if you've been posting Reels but they haven't been performing well,


My hope is that you'll walk away from this four-part mini-series feeling really empowered and clear on what makes an effective reel so that way, Instagram can start working for your business. Let's dive in.


Welcome to Strut It, a podcast about creating bold visibility on social media with zero apologies. I'm Elizabeth Marberry, your host and Instagram marketing coach. I help small business owners get seen on Instagram and monetize their offers so they can make more money doing their sole-led work. If you're tired of spinning your wheels on Instagram and you're seeking simple, proven Instagram marketing strategies that actually work, you're in the right place.


Let's dive in.


Welcome back to the show. By the time this episode airs, it will be summer, the kids will be out. And I don't know about you, but I have needed to adjust my work schedule to spend more time with my kids this summer. That felt like a big priority for me. And so I am choosing to shift my work schedule a little bit and work smarter, not harder. And I think it's gonna benefit you because one piece of feedback.


that I've been getting is that I tend to put a lot of information into these episodes. You know that I always come from a place of service. I want you to walk away from every episode with actionable steps that you can take, that you can implement and start to get results right away. And I understand that it can be so overwhelming. So I'm really excited because what I'm going to be doing and walking you through for the next four episodes is we are going to do a mini series.


My goal is to try to keep these episodes under 10 minutes. Let's see if I can do it. And this four part mini series is gonna be all about Instagram Reels. If I could pinpoint one piece of content that has completely changed the name of the game for social media and for my business and the business of my clients, that is Reels. And it is so important that you learn how to leverage Reels.


how to create them effectively in the most joyful and fun way because they can completely change the game for you and make a positive impact on your bottom line and your heart. Reels really made me fall in love with marketing again and it is absolutely my favorite way to show up for my business. So I cannot wait to dive into this four part mini series with you, so make sure you have subscribed to the show so you know when.


a new episode drops every week. You don't want to miss any of them. In week one, we're going to talk about the foundations of Instagram Reels and really understanding what they are. In week two, we are going to demystify the Instagram algorithm. I'm going to explain to you exactly how the algorithm works so you can take the guesswork out of your content creation and feel more confident as you create this content.


Week three, we are going to talk about the secrets to creating viral reels. Viral reels are such a fantastic way to get a bunch of followers. And if your profile is optimized, it can really drive results in your business. And week four, I'm going to be sharing with you some simple beginner real ideas that you can implement. So that way you walk away from the series, feeling excited to go and create some reels and really showcase your brand's personality.


So be sure you subscribe to the show. And if you have not already, I would so appreciate you leaving a rating for the show and sharing it with a business bestie that really helps us with the podcast algorithm. It helps us to get in front of other ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners who are wanting to learn how to use Instagram and social media to grow their business. And I really appreciate each and every review.


I read them, they make my day, and I so appreciate it when I get messages from you on my Instagram or if I hear that you've shared it with a friend. It really helps me and it keeps me going in creating this free content for you. So I appreciate your support. Okay, so let's get into the basics of Instagram Reels. What are Instagram Reels? Reels are short, engaging videos that are designed to capture attention quickly.


Instagram Reels can be up to 90 seconds long and they come with lots of different options of different editing tools that you can use. Music, Instagram has a whole music library you can use and creative effects that you can add to your Reels to make them kind of pop off the screen.


when you are scrolling reels on your phone, you'll see reels from people that you follow, but many times Instagram will show you reels from people that you don't follow because reels are just such a great way to reach new people, get your content and your business and your brand in front of new eyeballs. So you can reach beyond your current followers and really build your audience.


Instagram launched Reels in August of 2020 after TikTok exploded and took the social media market by storm. TikTok at that time was dominating the feeds with their catchy short form videos and Instagram wanted to hop on the bandwagon. So in August of 2020, Instagram decided to launch Reels. So similar to TikTok's Reels, like I said, are those short form videos.


you know, anywhere from seven seconds to 90 seconds. If you're first starting out with reels, I absolutely recommend that you keep your reels under 15 seconds, just keep it short and sweet until you really understand what you're doing and all the different dynamics of creating a reel. And reels, of course, are in that vertical format, or as my husband likes to call it, hot dog style, not hamburger style. So that vertical format,


you want your video to take up the entire real estate on the screen. So no horizontal videos. Yes, I know you see those occasionally pop up on your feed, but I absolutely do not recommend you use those in promoting your business. You want to use that vertical format and take up all the space on the screen. And what I love about Reels is that it integrates with Instagram's music library.


And so there's so many incredible sounds in there. So trending music, different audios that you can use and get really creative with. And using music is really part of why I fell in love with reels as a former professional dancer. Of course, I love to dance and music gets me going. And so it was kind of a no brainer for me to add a song to my reel and move my body.


That's really how I started with reels. I remember my first reel, I was dancing in my bathroom. It was during the pandemic and I said, this is my club or something like that. And I was just dancing full out in my bathroom. I had no idea what I was doing. I had no strategy. And honestly, if you're just getting started, that's how you start. You just start creating. You don't know what you're doing. You kind of play around with it. Everyone starts there and it's better to get started today.


and have it be messy and have it kind of flop, then to sit on it and sit on it. And then, you know, a year from now, you could be a Reels expert if you just start showing up and playing with this every week. Now, why are Reels so important in 2024 and beyond? The number one reason that Reels are key in your strategy is their effect on reach and engagement.


So Instagram still prioritizes Reels in the algorithm and next week we're gonna really dive into the algorithm. I'm gonna break it down so you really understand how it works. But using Reels is so important because you can reach new audiences. Like I mentioned already, through the explore feed, people can discover you or just when they're scrolling on their phone. And this can lead to higher engagement.


And really what that means for you is that more people will be aware of your brand and your business. And of course, hopefully those ideal followers that come into your sphere, you will have a clear customer journey to convert them from a follower to one of your biggest fans and into a paying client. Another reason why Reels are so important is versatility.


Reels really allow you to showcase your brand personality in a fun, relatable way. It helps to put a face on your brand, on your product. From those behind the scenes glimpses to maybe a product tutorial, or on our dance studio page, we do dance tutorials.


you're teaching someone new, or maybe you're showcasing a customer testimonial and you're showcasing their journey of transformation. Reels really allow businesses to be a three-dimensional, right? They get to pop off the page and there's nothing that is more approachable and relatable than seeing another human on video, I guess, other than obviously meeting with them in person, but.


What I love about Reels is you can reach people all over the world. Your target demographic is on Instagram and you can magnetize them through your videos. To me, that is so fun to be able to add that personality, really showcase your whole vibe in your Reels. So how do you get started with Reels? First of all, I want to share that there's lots of different ways that you can film content.


And what I want you to focus on though, is that reels can be filmed directly within the Instagram app. That's what I do. I know a lot of other people suggest other platforms, but especially when you're getting started. And honestly, I've been in this for a long time. I personally love filming in my Instagram app. I have it all down to a science. Is there a little bit of a learning curve? Yes, absolutely. But like I said, you will learn as you go. So there are different.


editing features within the app. So you can add text overlays, you can make different transitions between one clip of a video to another clip, you can add GIFs, you can add different effects. In the beginning, I recommend that you keep it as simple as possible, probably just you on screen with a trending audio and maybe a caption on the video, depending on your experience with Reels, just keep it very simple.


I do recommend using trending sounds to create engaging content. And if it is in your wheelhouse to jump on some of those popular challenges, do it. So if you can kind of hop on a trend when it's fresh, that's great. I don't want you to stress about it. Honestly, that whole piece of like timing, I feel like is luck a little bit.


I've posted some videos that just totally popped off. And I think it was like, I posted them with that trending sound at the right time. And was it a fantastic reel? Was there strategy behind my content? 100%. But some of it is luck, which is why I always tell my clients that you really wanna focus on creating a quantity of reels, especially in the beginning, when you're building your strength. Think about when you go to the gym and you have...


No strength in your bicep. There's nothing going on there. What do you have to do? You have to grab the dumbbells and do reps. And by the way, it's hilarious I'm using this example because I hate lifting weights, but just hang with me. So you're doing the reps with the dumbbell and what starts to happen, the more reps you do, the stronger you get. Same thing with creating reels, right? So you're gonna suck in the beginning and that's totally okay.


I just invite you to sooner than later, jump on the Reel's bandwagon and learn as you go. And yes, those trending audios, I do find that they help me reach more people. So I highly suggest you use them. And if you're wondering how to find those trending audios, there's lots of different ways to do it. But the easiest way for me is when I'm scrolling on Instagram, at the bottom of a reel, you'll see the name of the song that's playing or the trending audio.


And if it is trending, you will see an upward diagonal arrow. If you see that upward diagonal arrow, it means that that sound is trending. So grab it, you can click on it, you can save it, use it for later, but I do recommend that you use those if possible. I promised I'd keep this episode short and sweet, so I'm going to give you one piece of homework assignment that I want you to go and create this week on Instagram. And when you do, I want you to tag me.


Elizabeth Marberry, N-A-R-B-E-R-R-Y, I want you to create this simple reel and I'm going to give you the idea right now. I call this an introduce yourself reel. I try to do these at least once a month because what you have to remember is that most of the people that are coming to your feed or seeing you as they're scrolling, you are a stranger to them. They don't know what you do, they don't know who you help.


or why they should care about what you have to say, right? So it's important to consistently post an introduction reel. So a simple introduction is just a great way for your audience to get to know you, where you can share who you are, what you do, what type of content your followers can expect to get from you. And this can be done in the most simple way possible. I always have one of these intro reels pinned at the top of my page.


And I recommend you do that as well. So that way when a new person comes to your feed, they can see that pinned reel at the top and they'll know, okay. And I'm gonna use one of my clients as an example. If you see my client, Mackenzie, you'll click on her feed and you'll go to it and you'll see that she's a real estate business coach. She helps you grow your real estate team in the most effective, pleasurable and fun loving way possible. And you will see that in her intro reel when she talks about


what she does and why you should follow her for real estate business growth tips. So you want to really make it about your followers while you're introducing yourself. You want to really highlight why they should come into your sphere and you're not gonna be for everybody. When I created the reel and I said, I help creative entrepreneurs and small business owners, that's not everybody, but that's okay because you need to be niching down and focusing your content.


So I invite you to go check out my feed, see my latest introduction reel. I've posted several of them. If you wanna scroll through my feed, they always get a lot of traction. People love to meet new people and the people who already know you will comment and engage. And it's just a really fun way to interact with your audience. I hope today's episode was super fun and helpful for you. Don't forget to experiment, have fun.


and showcase your brand's unique personality. Really try to connect with your audience and don't be afraid to just try new things. And next week we are going to talk about the Instagram algorithm. I'm gonna break it down so you really understand how it works and it's gonna be awesome. So make sure you've subscribed to the show, you tune in next week. If you want to learn how to create killer content that stops the scroll,


grows your following and attracts your dreamboat clients, even if right now you have no idea what to post and feel like you're always throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks, then you must check out my newest membership, Hot Reels, the 12-month Instagram content lab. Inside this baby, you are gonna get a treasure trove of content ideas, hooks, and strategies.


You're gonna have live training with me every month. And yes, you're gonna get my eyes on your content. It's gonna be so magical and we start soon. So make sure you go to slash hot for more information. That's Elizabeth Marberry, M-A-R-B-E-R-R-Y dot com slash hot for all the juicy deets on.


our newest 12 month Instagram content lab. I cannot wait to see you inside the membership and I will see you again next week. Thank you for listening to Strut It. If you're ready to start leveraging Instagram to grow your business, then you're gonna wanna grab my free Monetize Your IG Guide, where you'll learn seven simple and proven ways to finally make money on Instagram.


You can grab your guide at slash freebies. That's slash freebies to get my monetize your IG guide. If you got some incredible value from today's episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. And I cannot wait to start it with you again next week.


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