How to Start a Podcast That Skyrockets Your Brand with Caroline Hull

How to Start a Podcast That Skyrockets Your Brand with Caroline Hull

If you've ever wondered how to turn your passion into a powerful podcast that not only captures hearts but also drives business growth, you're in for a treat!

This week, I'm sitting down with the incredible Caroline Hull, podcasting strategist, manager, and CEO of Wild Home Podcasting. Caroline's journey from shy introvert to confident podcasting pro is nothing short of inspiring, and she's spilling all the secrets on how you can do it too.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

[00:03:43] The Power of Long-Form Content:
Long-form content, like podcasts, allows you to dive deeper into topics that matter to your audience. This format helps in building a more intimate connection with listeners, giving them more time to engage with your message compared to shorter content like social media posts.

[00:04:36] Podcasts for Building Client Connections:
Podcasts uniquely foster stronger client relationships by sharing your voice and personality. This medium creates a sense of trust and familiarity with your audience, often difficult to achieve through other formats like emails or social media.

[00:08:41] Repurposing Content for Marketing Strategies:
Repurposing podcast content across different platforms has significant benefits. Efficiently using podcast material helps maintain consistent messaging across marketing channels, reaching a broader audience without constantly creating new content.

[00:12:32] Starting a Podcast Journey:
For those new to podcasting, it’s important to just get started. Don’t worry about perfection; focus on the learning process, and practice and consistency will naturally lead to improvement over time.

[00:17:30] Building Speaking Skills Through Podcasting:
Podcasting is a powerful tool for developing speaking skills. Practical techniques can help anyone feel more comfortable and authentic while recording, improving podcasting presence.

[00:19:13] Podcasting Industry Evolution:
The podcasting industry has evolved significantly over the years, with the medium becoming a powerful tool for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.

[00:23:27] Importance of Podcast Strategy:
A well-defined podcast strategy is essential. Having a clear purpose and integrating your podcast into your overall marketing plan can lead to better results, whether it’s growing your audience or driving more leads for your business.

[00:27:34] Finding Confidence Behind the Microphone:
Building confidence behind the microphone involves practical techniques that make recording more comfortable and authentic. These strategies can be applied by anyone looking to improve their podcasting presence.

[00:29:18] Overcoming Self-Doubt in Content Creation:
Self-doubt and imposter syndrome are common challenges for content creators. Pushing through these feelings is crucial for consistently producing and sharing valuable content.

[00:34:20] Podcast Content for Conversions:
Podcasts can be a powerful tool for driving conversions. Creating content that resonates with listeners and prompts them to take action can lead to increased subscriptions or sales.

[00:38:04] Podcasting for Business Owners:
Podcasting offers significant benefits for business owners, including establishing thought leadership, building brand loyalty, and growing your business by connecting with your audience on a deeper level.

Links mentioned in this episode…

Grab Your
FREE Solo Episode Template: Start recording episodes that are set up to create connections and help you sell on your podcast! 

Join Caroline's podcast growth membership STRATEGIZE AND SHINE!

Check out the Podcast Launch Accelerator 

Follow Caroline Hull on Instagram

JOIN HOT REELS: The 12-Month Instagram Content Lab
An intimate, strategy-packed mentorship for established business owners ready to create killer content that stops the scroll, grows your following and attracts your dreamboat clients (even if you have no idea what to post and feel like you’re always throwing spaghetti at the wall!)

FREE guide to Monetize Your IG: Seven Simple and Proven Ways to Finally Make Money on Instagram

Apply for your FREE Instagram Breakthrough Call with Elizabeth


[12:45] “If you’re not using podcasting as part of your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a powerful tool to build genuine connections with your audience.” — Caroline Hull


S3 Ep27 - How to Start a Podcast That Skyrockets Your Brand with Caroline Hull 


Have you ever considered launching your own podcast? Or maybe you have your own podcast for your business, but it's not converting to leads or sales. Today's episode is for you because I'm bringing on my podcast coach, Caroline Hull. She's gonna teach you all the things about why you should consider podcasting to boost your brand visibility and how you can get started today with some simple tips and strategies to ensure that your podcast content


is working for your business. We talk about the fear of getting behind the microphone and the visibility blocks of being seen and heard. This was such a fun conversation filled with gold and insight and I cannot wait for you to dive in. Let's go. Welcome to Strut It, a podcast about creating bold visibility on social media with zero apologies.


I'm Elizabeth Marberry, your host and Instagram marketing coach. I help small business owners get seen on Instagram and monetize their offers so they can make more money doing their sole-led work. If you're tired of spinning your wheels on Instagram and you're seeking simple, proven Instagram marketing strategies that actually work, you're in the right place. Let's dive in.


Welcome back to the show. Today you are in for a treat because I am interviewing my podcast coach. That's right. Her name is Caroline Hull and she is a gem and she's gonna bring us so much value today. If you've been curious about starting a podcast, if maybe you already have a podcast but it's not driving leads to your business, Caroline is your gal. And I would love to officially introduce her before we dive in. So buckle up, get ready.


Caroline Hull is a podcasting strategist, manager, and CEO of Wild Home Podcasting, a boutique podcast management agency, and a homeschool mom who helps online business owners create strategic podcasts to help grow their business. She discovered her intense love for podcasts after launching her own podcast and in the process discovering what a powerful tool for growth a podcast can be.


Caroline believes that everyone has a unique perspective and story worth sharing. Listen to that again, right? You have a unique perspective and story worth sharing. She has a passion for helping online business owners share their stories and generate leads through their podcast. She shares podcast strategies, tips. Each week on her podcast, share, strategize and shine.


And we will be sure to link it in the show notes because if you are wanting to start a podcast or really beef up your podcast strategy, you have to go listen to Caroline's podcast, It Is Fire, and it's the best ever. So Caroline, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here. Yeah, I'm super pumped. So let's dive in right to the meat of it. I want to know if my listeners are tuning in right now and they're like,


Caroline, should I start a podcast? Why have a podcast? I'm already doing so many things. I'm running my business, or I'm posting on social media, or I'm emailing my list. Let's get into the benefits of podcasting and why business owners and entrepreneurs might want to consider having their own podcast. Yeah, the first thing I wanna say is just how powerful long form content is. And I think that's something that we don't think about very often. We get really good at the short form stuff.


or we're sending the emails. But what I love about long form content is it not only creates a bank of content for you to share in other places, it also creates a way for people to connect with you a little bit deeper than they can even on Instagram, even in an email. It's like taking that connection piece one step forward. So that's the first thing I would say. If you love to sit in front of a microphone and record, and maybe you don't necessarily wanna do YouTube, I know a lot of people are pushing YouTube these days.


A podcast is a really great way to do long form content. And the great thing about it is you don't have to then go and write blog posts because you've already got an episode. The other thing that I love podcasts for business owners is it really helps. I mentioned that connection piece, but there's something very special about literally being in someone's ear. So think about when people are listening to podcasts. They're cleaning their kitchen, they're driving their kids to and from their activities.


Maybe they just have it on while they're working. It's really like you become part of their lives in a way that I think is very different from other forms of long form content. And it really allows you to nurture and connect with your ideal clients really. Because the people who are gonna be listening to your podcast are gonna be looking for specific help with something very specific and they're gonna find it in you. And so it makes a lot of sense then to nurture that relationship and audio.


is one of the best ways to do that, I think. And the other thing that I wanna say too, I've been talking a lot about like this idea of building a brand and what that looks like. And marketing has changed so much in the last couple of years. You and I have talked about this. Just doing one thing sometimes doesn't necessarily work. And I know for me, it has been so impactful to have a podcast, have Instagram, have email and have it all working together.


And it's really helped solidify my brand, what my brand stands for. And also it's really helped me hone in on my messaging and build that authority and that thought leadership in a way that I just don't think that I can do. I mean, for me personally, like, I'm not as good at the short videos like you are. So for me, like being able to sit down and record a 20 minute podcast episode has really helped me find my voice and hone in on.


my messaging, my content, and that's exactly what I help my clients do. It's really amazing when you start working on one piece of marketing, how much it affects and influences all your marketing across the board. So there's just a few reasons why I think podcasting can be so impactful for your business.


Oh my gosh, I love all of that. And those reasons that you just listed are exactly why I podcast as well. It is strategic in terms of a very long form piece of content where my audience can get to know me. And I love Instagram for those quick wins, for those quick tips, but there's nothing like a podcast where you can go really into depth and share the intricacies of a strategy or a tip or really elaborate on a story that will help.


paint the picture for people and land a point in a deeper way. And what I've learned recently, and I never used to do this. So Caroline helped me do a total refresh on my podcast for season three, like complete rebrand, complete refocus. And it was really the first time that I had, thanks to Caroline's help, a very clear strategy as to how my podcast can work.


for my business, you know, before it was sort of, okay, I'm just gonna experiment and test this out, right? See if I even like doing it. See if I even like to record or do interviews or what do I like solo? Do I like interviews with others? What format do I like? It was kind of that experimentation. But then I brought Caroline in and really she helped me to have a strategy around it. And one of the things that I learned in working with you was you spend all of this time and energy planning out your podcast.


And what's really cool is I can take those scripts and I can repurpose them into a blog. I can take those scripts and repurpose them into an email or multiple emails. I can take my podcast and I could turn that into 10 reels or 10 different pins. So I geek out on that stuff because I'm all about trying to discover how to work smarter and not harder and serve my people at like a deeper level. And for me, podcasting totally does that.


Yeah, absolutely. And honestly, like, I love that you brought this up because this is the biggest mistake I see business owners make with their podcasts is they'll start a podcast, no fault of their own. We all jumped into podcasting because we just wanted to share, right? But a lot of times what they'll do is they'll put their podcast over here, and then they'll have like Instagram email, everything else over here. And they don't see any results because it has to all work together. It has to be this cohesive.


marketing message that's happening across all channels. And what's so great about long form content and why I think that everyone should have some kind of long form content in their arsenal is that, like you said, you can take that and just chunk it out and create so much from it. I actually saw somebody post today, it was another podcasting person, and they said, repurposing is not a marketing strategy. And I was like, okay, excuse me. Actually repurposing,


You know, I don't think we put enough value in it because not only does it save us time, but again, when we're talking about building a brand and creating a presence online, when you can take that podcast episode and like you said, create reels, create emails, create blog posts. Now all of a sudden, when people see your messaging, they see the same messaging across the board and it starts to click. What's that saying like, you have to touch somebody 14 times before they'll purchase from you?


And so that's why I always really encourage new podcasters. Don't think of your podcast as a separate thing that sits over here. It needs to be part of the whole picture. And so even if you've got like an amazing Instagram strategy because you've worked with Elizabeth and you've got that down, okay, well, how can we incorporate that into your podcast strategy? Yeah, because you want all of the channels to communicate and work together. I would describe myself as like a visionary.


entrepreneur where I have all these ideas and I might just drop something without having a ton of strategy behind it. And one of the struggles I've had in the past in the last 14 years of being a business owner is that feeling of being scattered. And so what I loved in our work together, and it was really sludgy for me at times because it's not as intuitive for me to slow my roll and actually put together.


a strategy for the next quarter, right? Like I like to be kind of in moment and spontaneous, but that also leads to exhaustion, burnout, chronic fatigue that I've experienced so much of my life. And so it's been a game changer for me to really switch my view. Like my marketing is so fire right now because you go on Facebook, you know exactly what I do. You go on Instagram, it speaks the same language. I've been posting on LinkedIn.


Everywhere I post my podcast, it's all the same message and it's establishing me as the social media marketing expert. It's so exciting. It actually requires more work upfront, but on the backend, you feel more free because you're less stressed about, wait, where did I post and wait, what am I doing and what am I talking about this week? The strategic pieces that you help business owners with is just priceless.


And you know what's so cool about that too, is what you're doing is giving people different ways to interact with you. I know for me, because I am a podcast person, if I see that somebody has a podcast and I'm interested in working with them, I will go binge their podcast. And that will help me make the decision if I'm a good fit for them or not. And if you are posting on Instagram consistently, you're emailing to your list consistently and they see you have a podcast and maybe they're thinking about working with you.


And you just happen to post a podcast episode that really like the title of it, they're like, oh my gosh, wait a minute, this is me. And then they go and listen to it. Now you've nurtured them and you're leading them down a path. And I just think that's what's so cool about having it all work together. Because you really are like, in a way, putting the power of the buying experience in the hands of your clients. And I just think that is so impactful these days with how marketing is. And so.


Anyways, yeah, I'm a huge fan, obviously, of the podcast. Huge fan, huge fan. So if someone is listening and they're like, OK, maybe this has been in their heart forever. Before I started my podcast, I had a very clear vision of having a podcast for at least two years before I had the courage to speak into a microphone, before I had the courage to launch a podcast. OK?


And so if someone's in that boat where maybe they have a vision or maybe just today they're listening to this and they're like, oh my gosh, this is totally what my next step. What are the next few steps for them to get started on this podcasting journey? I would say the first thing I would do before you even like buy a microphone, sit down and record is really think about what the purpose of your podcast is going to be. So I like to use the analogy of my podcast as a member of my marketing team.


It's an actual working thing. It's working for me, but it has a very specific purpose. So for me, generally, I know that what I want to happen is I want people to get on my email list and then I have funnels from there. And then I also will look at my marketing and promotion calendar and I will schedule episodes as I have different things that I'm selling throughout the year. But what I encourage everyone to do is think about what is that main overarching


purpose for your podcast. Is it to grow a community? Is it to build a list? Maybe you're launching a membership and you want to funnel people from the podcast into the membership. Have a very clear idea of what that purpose is before you even start thinking about the name, the cover art, all of that, because that's gonna help you determine everything else. And then from there, I really wanna just send some encouragement through my microphone here because I started podcasting.


It's almost nine years ago. Like I've been podcasting almost a decade. You're an OG. Yeah, exactly. Like, I mean, I had to Google everything because when I started podcasting, there were not podcasting launch programs or anything. But I didn't always sound this great in front of a microphone. This has taken time and practice. It's the same as with Instagram. It's so funny because Elizabeth and I would have chats and I'd be talking about podcasting and she'd be like, oh yeah, that's how I feel about.


Instagram and then I would say she'd be talking about Instagram how great it is and how hard it is and I'd say that's how I'd feel about podcasting. But you know, it is so hard for me to record a reel for Instagram. And I have found that the more I practice, the better I'm getting at it. Right. It's the same with podcasting. You're not going to step into it and be this amazing speaker. But I will tell you if speaking is something you want to do. This is such a great way to start. So order a microphone, plug it in.


practice, just what does it feel like to just sit down and riff on a topic that you're super, super passionate about? I mean, after a while, you'll find your groove and then it just becomes so easy, so fun, and you get into a system. So I think what holds a lot of people back is one, they're afraid of the time it's going to take and two, they're afraid of like, how am I going to sound? And so systems is big. And then just practicing in front of the microphone.


Focus on your purpose, order that microphone, plug it in, start practicing, and it doesn't have to be perfect to launch. Would you recommend that people try to do more podcasting interviews, like getting on other people's podcasts first before they launch their own podcast? Or do you have thoughts about that? Do you ever coach people to do that? Yeah, I mean, I think that's a great way to dip your toe in and see if you enjoy it. Actually being on other people's podcasts is one of the best ways to grow your own podcast.


And so if you can do them in conjunction, like, or have a strategy for when I do launch my podcast, I'm gonna still continue to be on other podcasts. But I definitely think it helps to go on somebody else's podcast and see what the process is like, see how it feels to be on camera, if they're gonna use the video, see how it feels to have a conversation and sit down in front of a microphone, finding out what their process is on the other end, because you and I, you know, we have editors who edit our podcasts while I edit my own. So I know, like,


if I mess up, we can fix this. And I think a lot of people come into it thinking, oh, it has to be perfect, I have to sound great. And that really is where that roboticness starts to come in that we don't want because we want it to be very friendly, casual, we want people to feel like you're sitting in the room with them just having a chat, right? So definitely I think practice makes perfect. And if you would feel more comfortable starting out on other people's podcasts, I say, go for it. I think that's a great way to see if it's even something you wanna do.


Yeah, absolutely. You know, one of my business besties was just interviewed on a podcast this week and she sent me a message and she was like, okay, I feel so good about it, but I had so many ums and ahs and she was kind of critiquing herself. And it totally brought me back to when I first started podcasting. And honestly, I think that this is 100% well, it's not that I think I know this was one


was that I wanted to become a professional speaker. Just like anything else, if you want to get paid to do something, if you want to speak on big stages, you have to have experience. And what better way to improve your speaking skills than to sit down at a microphone each week and speak? And the first two seasons of my podcast, I edited myself.


forever, Caroline, because I was totally perfectionistic about it. I took out every single pause, every single um, every single ah. But here's what's really cool, and I'm actually kind of glad I went through that. It was pretty painful, I will tell you. It was very painful. But what I loved about that is as I had to edit my own voice, I realized, okay, I used this filler word. Like one of my filler words that I still use to this day is right.


I'll be speaking, I'll say, right. And it's actually kind of a cool exercise if you listen to yourself, and then you have to edit yourself to notice, okay, wow, I'm getting curious about how, how I use my words and the filler words and all of that. And then once you spend three hours editing an episode, you're like, you know what, next time I speak, I'm going to use a lot less of those words, because I don't have three hours to spend to edit this podcast. Okay, so let's not


edit for three hours, first of all, audience listening. If you're editing anything for three hours, we need to have a long chat. Go hire Caroline. It's interesting because when podcasting first started, it was very formal. I feel like it was picking up from radio. Radio is very clean. Usually there's less filler words because they're trained on how to speak radio, I guess is what we want to say.


I have noticed a real shift in the podcasting industry in the last couple of years, and I feel like it's become more casual and conversational than it used to be. And even with a solo episode, I will laugh at myself and my podcast episodes. I'll tell a funny story. If my kid walks in, I'll be like, oh, my kid just walked in. And I think what we used to be so afraid of that kind of stuff, and I think it actually adds to


that connection that people have with us because it makes us more human. And so I don't think that like we still edit, we do have a few management clients that we keep on retainer and we do edit, but we edit very much. So I'm a former ballet dancer and I used to do choreography and you would build in breathing room, you would build in moments of pause, to peak the audience's interest as they were watching the dance. And I feel like we do the same thing


editing, but also knowing like, when is it okay to leave in the um, or the you know, or the like, because it's adding to their personality and to the conversation. So take that pressure off of yourself. It doesn't have to be perfect to be launched. And just like Elizabeth said, like after a while you will start to hear like I'm hearing my now all of my little phrases that I say, and you'll become a better speaker.


because you're going to become aware of it. I mean, now I listen to people speak in real life and I'm like editing them in real time. I'm like, she's saying, um, she's saying, um, she's saying, you know, is something that I'm very aware of. And I feel so much more confident as a speaker because of it. I think now, like I could go on stage and speak and be confident. If I had tried to do that five years ago, probably not so much, but it really is just from practice. I'm also...


very much a shy introvert. Just want to throw that out there. So it won't take you five years to get confident, but. Wow. And that's amazing. And I want to say too, like going back to the podcast strategy piece, I don't know about you, my beautiful beloved listener, but if you're listening, you have a business, you want to grow a brand, you're an entrepreneur, and you have to be very wise about how you spend your time.


I made a very clear decision before I launched season three that if I was going to do this again because we don't want to sugarcoat it, having a podcast is a great deal of work. It really is. I know for Caroline, it's like she has a dial-up, she is an OG. She's been doing this a long time. She has all the systems. But when you first get started, it is a big time commitment. There is a big learning curve and that's why you should hire Caroline because she can totally shortcut that for you. Side note. But the biggest thing for me was...


If I'm going to do this again, I have to have a very clear strategy as to how my podcast is going to, number one, of course, have impact and serve my listeners, but two, how is it going to drive leads to my business? Because this is an investment. I hire a podcast manager. She edits my podcast every month. I spend a lot of my time, my energy, my brilliance on this free resource for my people.


and it has to work for my business. And so I love just kind of coming back to that point where you said, before you even go into it, you have to be really clear on the purpose because otherwise it's not sustainable. Like I know that I got really burned out because I didn't really have a strategy. It was kind of a high level strategy, but I wasn't seeing any kind of tangible results and it was taking so much work and it didn't all connect.


And so I think making sure that you do have a really clear strategy even before you get going is really important. If this is a yes for you as a business owner, would you agree? Absolutely. And I want to say too, like I think the reason that the strategy piece is so important, like you mentioned the burnout and all of that. We want to see results from all of our time and effort. And if we are just measuring.


listens and downloads. It's the same with Instagram, right? If you're just measuring followers and likes, like I can measure those all day, but it's not necessarily getting me results. And one of the things that a purpose does for a podcast is give us a way to measure if the podcast is actually working. And that's gonna help us decide like, what tweaks do I need to make? A lot of times it boils down to content. And then again, that's where that purpose is so important. Because when you're


really in touch with what is this podcast doing for me? How can I create episodes that are gonna lead people to this thing? And content strategy is a huge piece of what I do. We don't just talk about the description and the trailer. It's like, what are the episodes gonna be each week and how are they gonna lead people down the path that I want them to go? And if you can come at it from that strategic brain at the start, you're gonna see results a lot faster.


than your friends who are just chasing downloads and they're thinking to themselves, if I get to a thousand downloads an episode, I'll be successful. You can be successful at podcasting with a hundred downloads per episode, if you have a purpose and a funnel in place. Absolutely, I love that. I resonate with that so much. So I want to move into...


that fear of speaking. We kind of touched on it a little bit, but I also kind of want to tie this into Instagram because I'm so, I kind of want to like put you on the spot a little bit. Oh, yes, please. Hot Seat Coaching with Caroline. You are such a fantastic speaker. I mean, you just light up behind the microphone, it flows, you are such a confident speaker. And then you've told me that you're real, you feel awkward, you're like, oh my gosh. And so I'm wondering,


Is it a fear of speaking specifically on that platform or like what comes up for you? And I'm just wondering if it's tied into any other deeper fears around speaking that our listeners might have too. Yeah, totally. So let me, is it okay if I talk a little bit about my journey into podcasting? Oh my gosh. Yes, please do. I have been working this last year on defining the purpose for my business.


And one of the things that I really realized is the thing that I love most about podcast coaching is helping people feel confident in their content. So when they sit down to record, they feel confident in their voice and what they're sharing. And I started to dig into like, where did that come from? Like, why is this so important to me for others to be heard? And it really goes back to.


So I'm an INFJ, which, you know, if you know, the Myers-Briggs were very rare and we're like, after this, I'm going to need a nap. I don't know anything about that. So you just sent a bunch of letters at me and I, my brain just like checked out. Just mega introvert. And I get very tired when I talk to people. Wow. Very drained. Yeah. And so marketing was always really hard for me. I had a stationary business before I went into podcasting.


And my stationery designs were wonderful, but I just had a really hard time selling them. I had a hard time being in the booth at the New York stationery show. It was very uncomfortable for me. And so when I started podcasting, it was like I found this freedom that I had never experienced before. I think really at some point in my life, a lot of times in my life, we didn't have time to go through all of this today, but I have felt very unheard.


And I have felt that I need to be quiet. I need to just keep things to myself. I need to quiet my voice down. This has been a constant theme in my life. And what podcasting has done is giving me a place to do that, to speak. And let me tell you what I loved about it so much in the past was that there was no video involved. And so I didn't have to be on camera because as a former ballet dancer, see now we're really digging into the things.


I used to stand in front of mirrors and Leontard and Tites. I have a lot of thoughts about being on camera and in front of basically a mirror. Something that I've been working on the last couple of years is taking that confidence from the microphone to video, which is very slowly starting to happen. I'm getting better, but definitely it's a challenge for me to show up on video because I love hiding behind my microphone.


That's the thing about finding your confidence and finding your voice. Everybody out there is looking for help with something. And they want help from someone that they can absolutely connect to. And so when you say to me, well, there's so many other podcasts out there, like the one that I want to start, what's special and unique about mine? And I say, you, you are. And that's really the key is learning to be yourself. See, I'm telling this to myself because these are the things that I need to do on Instagram.


But learning to be yourself, learning to share little pieces of things that don't necessarily have to do anything with what you actually do, creating that connection piece, you know, here's a really good example. I'm a homeschool mom. I have followed so many homeschool coaches and things over the years, and I found the one that I love because I connect with her. She's a friend of mine. We chat, and I know she gets me. And when I take her course, I can feel that she gets what I'm struggling with. But I connected with her first through her podcast.


And so I just really want to encourage everyone, like it is really hard showing up and putting yourself out there. And I know for me, like with Instagram, uh, some days I just want to give up. I'm like, I don't know what I want to film today. My hair looks terrible. You know, I don't have makeup on, but honestly, it's those moments when I show up just as myself and I make a silly video that they do better. And it's the same with podcasting. Like if you can just sit down and really share from your heart and, you know, share


why you're doing what you do, why are you helping people with a thing you're helping them with? They're going to connect with that so much. And so there really is room for everyone. There is room for every voice. And that's something that has been a very long journey for me to learn for myself. So yeah, I just think it's really important. So if you're even thinking about like, starting a podcast, going on Instagram, you know, and you're nervous about showing up and what are people going to think?


Instead of thinking about what people are gonna think, think about the people that you're going to help. I'm so moved by everything that you shared and I resonate so much. Carolina and I have totally bonded over both coming from the dance world and feeling that, like when you described the leotard and tights and seeing yourself in the mirror, I mean, that was my whole childhood and there's that embodied sense of.


self-consciousness of like people are looking at me, you know, people are looking at me and That tip that you dropped at the end I just want to highlight it again because it is something that I always teach about Instagram as well, which is that When you go to record whatever it is whether you're talking directly to the camera on your story in a reel Or maybe you're not even talking you're just in the video


I always try to envision the person that I'm here to serve. I envision them, like I actually see them and I see them struggling. I see them in pain. I see them frustrated and I know I can help them. And when I come to my content with that person in mind, my light and my mission is so much bigger and greater.


than any naysayers, any haters, any family members or friends who don't really get what I do. None of that matters because I am here to serve and make a difference. And that energy is absolutely what keeps me going. It keeps me going when I post consistently and nothing seems to be working, right? Like as a business owner, you have to be in it for the long haul. And I know Caroline had talked about this.


when we were working together, but podcasting is a long game. You can't just post 10 episodes and expect it to just work. Same thing with Instagram. And that's actually one of the things that I get so frustrated with when I work with clients is like people come in and they kind of think, okay, if I just do what you say to do for a month, I'm going to get 10,000 followers and 3000 leads on my email list. And I'm like, oh, sweetheart, no. This is just like...


anything else in business, it takes time and you have to show up week after week after week, month after month after month. And the truly successful people in business and entrepreneurship are those people who have that long haul mindset that they have the game of they're playing the long game and they're going to keep going no matter their downloads, they're going to keep going.


even when it seems that no one is watching or listening, because guess what? They are. They absolutely are. Yeah. And it's just a matter of time and constantly, you know, tweaking the strategy and all those pieces and yes, taking action. But in my opinion, most people give up way too soon. And so, I really encourage people to whatever it is that you're committing to, whether it is starting a podcast or it is going all in on your Instagram, like,


do it and do it for at least six months, right? Yeah. At least, I mean, what would you say to someone who, if you were to give us a realistic picture of what it takes to actually see conversions in a podcast, for example, like what is the timeline? Yeah, I mean, I think it really depends. So I've had people who, you know, they've come to me, we've worked on their strategy.


and it's taken a few months for it to get rolling, probably because they made a big shift. And then I've had clients who've come to me, we've done an audit, they make a few tweaks in their podcasts and they're seeing leads come in the next day. One of my favorite stories is I had a client, again, a lot of this boils down to content and making sure your content is aligned. I had a client who came to me, she has a big podcast, I'm talking thousands of downloads per episode and was seeing no conversion.


And so this is just like a true testament to the fact that like downloads do not equal conversion, right? And she was like, I have this podcast that's not doing anything for me. So we looked at her content and the problem was she wanted this to drive members to her membership. But the problem was she was giving everything away on her podcast. She had fallen into that trap of I have to give so much value. Right. And what happened is that people were listening to the podcast and they were going and applying all the things she was telling them. They didn't need to join the membership.


And so we shifted her content. So that was like in December, probably in February, she told me that every time she posts an episode, so every Thursday, somebody joins her membership. And it was just from thinking about her content differently. If you already have a podcast and it's not working for you, there are things we can do to make it work for you. But again, it's gonna all go back to that purpose and defining how we're gonna measure what work means. Oh my gosh, I love it, I love it.


Okay, so you keep highlighting the importance of content. On Instagram, one of the things that I teach is you absolutely have to have a focus for your Instagram account. Most people go way too wide instead of narrow, instead of really niching down their focus, their topic, what they're gonna become an expert, what they're gonna be known for. How important is that in podcasting? Yeah, I would say it's equally as important. So,


I think the more focused you are with your content on your podcast, the more qualified listeners who can become clients and leads you're going to find. Because when people go looking for a podcast, like I'm just randomly looking for a podcast, I'm looking for something very specific. I want to listen to something very specific. That's like the first thing I would say about content. The other thing that I mentioned very briefly is having it aligned with your sales and marketing calendar.


What is the catalyst for people pushing the buy button and how can I create content around that? Because when people find your podcast, what we want them to feel is seen and heard. We want them to go, oh my gosh, she totally gets me. She understands what I'm going through. Let me listen again. Let me listen to the next one. Okay, wait, she's telling me to go do this thing? Oh yeah, that would be so helpful. That's the response we want from our listeners. And so,


There is a little bit of strategy when it comes to creating content. I'm not saying that you have to sit down and totally nitpick your episode topics, but definitely come at it with the mindset of, I'm going to be super helpful and I'm going to help my clients feel seen and heard. And I'm going to always be sure to tell them how to take the next step to solve their problem. I love it. Okay. Well, this has been full of gold. I just have to say.


gold. And I know people are listening. They want to know where your podcast is. We will definitely link that below. And I know you have a free gift for our listeners. Will you tell us more about that? And also, I think I'd love to hear you talk about your membership. Yeah, totally. So I have a free solo episode template. So all this content structure that I've been talking about, this is like the starting point for thinking about your episodes a little bit differently.


and you can just head to wild slash sales. I really approach content with the goal, and goal is to make sales from your content, right? Like I want people to listen to it, to know you're for them and to press the buy button. And so that's really why and how I've structured these, the solo episode templates. So go grab that, take a look. And then yes, I have a membership for podcasters. So this is a place where you can come and get support because...


What I don't want you to be doing is Googling at 2 a.m. trying to solve something with your podcast. And that's really why I created this space because podcasting can feel so foreign to those of us who aren't super techie and we don't really understand the podcasting world. It wasn't really built for business owners. And so what I've done is created a space where everything that you will learn is from the angle of a business owner who has a podcast. There's tons of templates in there, resources.


If you love the solo episode template, I have a even better one in the membership that's a fill in the blank that a lot of people swear by. So just a lot of tools, resources, we do a master class each month. If you're wanting to take your podcast to the next level and start developing that strategy, come join. Yay, I love it. I love it. And we'll be sure to link all of that in the show notes. And to close, I want to say that I'm so thrilled because Caroline is joining Hot Reels.


the 12 month Instagram content lab. And I've been talking about it nonstop on the podcast lately. And I would love to just hear from you. Like, why did you say yes to the program? Why did you say yes to working with me? And what are you like so excited to dive into? Yeah, so I mentioned that I'm a podcaster. I'm really good at long form content.


I am not good at short form. It is a struggle for me. In the same way that my podcast works for my business, I want my Instagram to work for my business as well, and it doesn't. Even though I've applied a lot of the same strategies, I show up very differently behind a microphone than I do in front of a camera. Elizabeth and I have been talking for a while about that issue of mine with confidence and from the camera.


and also just talking about how to create better hooks and things like that. So that's really why I decided to join because I'm ready to take my online presence to the next level. And I know that podcast, Instagram, that's the next level for me. So I'm really excited. Yay, I'm super excited. It's gonna be so fun to collaborate. And if you are wanting to hop into Hot Reels with me and Caroline, we are keeping it to 10 business owners


more slots available right now. So you can grab one if you go to hot. You can learn all about the program and you can join us. I'm so excited. We kick it off in August and if you're listening to this and we've already kicked it off, you will. If there's still spots, you can still join. I'm just so excited to serve you, Caroline, in this way because you are so brilliant in


this zone of genius, which is podcasting and marketing a podcast. And I'm so excited to help you shine your brilliance on Instagram. And it's just going to be some small tweaks and changes and shifts. But I think it's going to really have a huge impact for you and attract even more, you know, soul aligned clients into your membership. It's really incredible when you can connect with another business owner on like such a deep level, like I hired Caroline.


She's now hiring me. This actually happens quite a bit in my sphere because you're attracted to similar energetics and mindsets and just embodiment of people. And so anyways, I'm just so honored to do this work with you and I really appreciate you taking the time to be with me today. I'm so excited to work with you too. You know, I mentioned that when you start to work on one marketing piece, it like helps you with all the others.


And that's really what this is about for me is like, I've been working so hard on my podcast. And so knowing where I need to improve with Instagram and I'm just, I'm so glad we've connected because we are in just the same wavelength when it comes to marketing. So it's gonna be lots of fun, come join us. It's gonna be so fun. One final thought that just came through is that I've recently been connecting with other.


Instagram influencers and these are like major OGs in the Instagram marketing space and I'm in conversations with these people It's definitely like pinch me moments of like who am I right now? Like I'm so special right now. No But anyways, I was geeking out talking to these people who I really admire and I admire their content And we were all talking about how it doesn't matter how successful you are at marketing or whatever your content creation is


When you're swimming in the soup of what you do, it's so invaluable to hire outside eyes. Yes. Look at what you're doing and give you that fresh perspective. I told this to Caroline and I'm telling it to you, my listener, is that in Hot Reels, you are going to become so masterful at short-form video and capturing attention and really making it more effective for your business. But bigger than that,


It is a marketing mentorship. So not only are you going to learn how to capture and market on Instagram, you're gonna be showing up with a stronger email hook. All of the marketing, it all intertwines, right? So anyways, I'm just so excited and honored that you're trusting me with your content. It's gonna be so fun. And yes, you have to join us. Go to slash hot for more info. And I just can't wait to get going.


Yay! Thank you! Okay, bye everybody! We'll see you next week!


Thank you for listening to Struttit. If you're ready to start leveraging Instagram to grow your business, then you're gonna wanna grab my free Monetize Your IG Guide, where you'll learn seven simple and proven ways to finally make money on Instagram. You can grab your guide at slash freebies. That's slash freebies to get my Monetize Your IG Guide.


If you got some incredible value from today's episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. And I cannot wait to start it with you again next week.


The #1 Tip to Boost Instagram Sales


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