Go Viral on Reels! The Triple E Formula for Explosive Growth (Part 3)

Go Viral on Reels! The Triple E Formula for Explosive Growth (Part 3)

With over 38 million views and a combined following of 120K+ on Instagram and TikTok, I share my proven strategies to help your Reels achieve similar success. This episode, part three of a four-part mini-series, breaks down the Triple E Formula—Entertainment, Educational, and Emotional content—that drives viral success

In this episode, you’ll learn…

Triple E Formula for Viral Reels (03:02):

  • Entertainment (03:31):

    • Make people laugh and entertain them. Relatable, humorous content is shareable and has the potential to go viral.

  • Educational (04:52):

    • Provide valuable information or quick tips. Educational content is often saved and shared, increasing engagement.

    • Tips on creating concise and engaging educational content.

  • Emotional (09:13):

    • Inspire and motivate your audience. Content that evokes emotions can connect deeply with viewers and encourage sharing.

Combining Elements (10:41):

  • Blend entertainment, education, and emotion in a single Reel for greater impact.

Personalization and Authenticity (12:08):

  • Be true to your brand and personality. Create content that feels authentic to you.

  • Test and experiment with different types of content to find what works best for you.

Mindset and Growth (13:35):

  • Embrace a growth mindset and be open to change and improvement.

  • Consistent testing and adaptation are key to long-term success on Instagram.

Links mentioned in this episode…

JOIN HOT REELS: The 12-Month Instagram Content Lab
An intimate, strategy-packed mentorship for established business owners ready to create killer content that stops the scroll, grows your following and attracts your dreamboat clients (even if you have no idea what to post and feel like you’re always throwing spaghetti at the wall!)

Insta-Growth: The 30-Day Private Instagram Mentorship (SAVE $200 WITH CODE "PODCAST") - https://www.elizabethmarberry.com/insta-growth

Free guide to Monetize Your IG: Seven Simple and Proven Ways to Finally Make Money on Instagram

Apply for your FREE Instagram Breakthrough Call with Elizabeth


[03:52] "The Instagram algorithm functions like a super picky pizza party host, showing content (pizza) to users based on their past interactions and preferences."


S3 Ep18 Go Viral on Reels! The Triple E Formula for Explosive Growth (Part 3)

Elizabeth Marberry: 00:00

If you've been feeling confused about the ever-changing Instagram algorithm and just frustrated with feeling like you're always behind with the updates and all that is happening on Instagram, today's episode is for you. We are in part two of a four-part mini-series right now that is all about Instagram Reels, the basics, and how to use them for your business. And today's episode is all about...


How does the Instagram algorithm work? I'm going to demystify it for you, break it down in the most simple and effective way possible so you can walk away feeling totally confident and empowered that you get it, and it will totally help you to create better Reels that are more effective for your business. So I can't wait to share this with you. Let's get into it.


Welcome to Strut It, a podcast about creating bold visibility on social media with zero apologies. I'm Elizabeth Marberry, your host and Instagram marketing coach. I help small business owners get seen on Instagram and monetize their offers so they can make more money doing their soul-led work. If you're tired of spinning your wheels on Instagram and you're seeking simple, proven Instagram marketing strategies that actually work, you're in the right place.


Let's dive in.


Join me for part two of our four-part mini-series that is focused on Instagram Reels. It's been so fun to see you jumping into my newest membership, which is called Hot Reels, the 12-month Instagram content lab. This is so much more than an Instagram mentorship; it's a community of other ambitious entrepreneurs and creative people who really want


to become better at content creation. They understand that this is a skill that not only applies to Reels, it applies to any kind of marketing you do for your business, whether that's writing an email, writing a podcast script, or writing a keynote speech. It is so worth investing in. How do you create the most compelling, scroll-stopping, magnetizing content that will draw in those ideal clients?


into your sphere so you can sell more of your products and services and do more of your soul-led work. So if you want to join the party, join our Hot Reels community, then I want you to head over to ElizabethMarberry.com/hot for all of the fun details. That's Elizabeth Marberry, M-A-R-B-E-R-R-Y dot com slash hot for more information.


Last week, we talked about all of the basics of Instagram Reels. We talked about what Instagram Reels are, why they are important for you to be using in your content strategy in 2024 and beyond. I gave you a little homework assignment and a specific Reel to post last week. Some of you tagged me in your content. I love seeing what you created. If you haven't listened to part one,


go back and listen to that to understand the fundamentals. And today we are going to be talking all about the Instagram algorithm. It's actually quite simple, and I'm really excited to just break this down once and for all, take the guesswork out of this so you can feel so confident and excited to show up on Reels. How does the Instagram algorithm work? Okay, I'm gonna try out an analogy, so hang with me, hopefully it will work.


And if you're still confused after this, I will break it down one more time before I sign off. So I want you to imagine that the algorithm is a super picky pizza party host. Hang with me here, okay? Now, everyone brings a pizza. So all of the accounts are different pizzas, and the pizza is your content. So you're coming to the pizza party and you are sharing your content.


But the host of this party is the algorithm. And this super picky host only shows those slices, meaning your posts, your Reels, to people that they think will like that flavor of pizza. Are you still hanging with me? So here's what I want you to imagine. You are at this party and you hung out with some other accounts.


So you're at this pizza party and you start gravitating toward the pepperoni pizza. So those Reels that are pepperoni pizza and you start liking them, commenting on those, sharing those. What you're telling the algorithm or the super picky host is that you like pepperoni pizza. So the algorithm is going to give you more pepperoni pizza. Are you still with me here?


So the idea with all of this is that Instagram makes money by selling ads. Instagram is a business, and they make money by people spending time on their app and consuming as much content as possible. So the more time they can get people to spend on their app, the higher revenue they will have. So the algorithm sees that you like pepperoni pizza.


It wants you to hang out at this party longer. It doesn't want you to go and talk to your spouse. It doesn't want you to go to the car wash. It wants you to stay at the pizza party. So what is it gonna do? It's gonna keep dishing you out more pepperoni pizza. So as you're scrolling your feed, you're gonna see pepperoni pizza. And then you might start to see something similar, but a little different, like pepperoni pizza with peppers on it.


or pepperoni pizza with mushrooms. And if, let's say, you start to engage with the pepperoni pizza and mushrooms, the algorithm is gonna show you more videos with pepperoni and mushrooms. Okay, I'm gonna drop this analogy. I think you get what I'm trying to teach you. Let's break this down. Simply put, Instagram prioritizes your Reels based on user interactions. So likes, comments, shares,


views, watch time, like how long they're watching your video, and your Reel, they'll show it to a small group of people, and then if it does well, if it performs well, they will start to show it to more and more people. This is why when you go onto your app, and let's say you get caught up watching adorable dog videos.


you get caught up and you're just watching them and oh my gosh they're so cute and you're scrolling your feed but every time you see a dog video you stop scrolling and you watch it and maybe you share it and you send it to your partner or you send it to your girlfriend or whatever. The next time you come on to the Instagram app when you're scrolling your feed what is the first video you're going to see? You're going to see a dog video and that's because the Instagram algorithm is simply trying to sort information. It's simply trying to


find out what the user's interests are, and then put more content that interests them in front of them. And then the longer they stay on the app and consume it, the more successful Instagram is as a company. Does that make sense? So this is why Reels are so powerful within the algorithm is that this pizza host, this picky host at this party, which is the algorithm, right?


It will show your content to new accounts that think that they might like it based on the things that they've already enjoyed before. So Reels are such a fantastic way to grow your audience and get in front of more people. So in terms of lead generation for your business, Reels need to be a number one part of your strategy on Instagram.


And that's why it's so important to optimize your Reels and get them really dialed in so they're very specific. So they call out a very specific client avatar, right? Because if it's just a piece of cheese pizza and everyone's posting cheese pizza, it's not gonna go anywhere. But if you create a slice of pizza and you have mushrooms and pineapples and pepperonis and...


Okay, this is getting gross, but you understand what I'm saying. If you can be more specific, there's only one type of person that wants a pepperoni, mushroom, pineapple pizza. It's not me, but there's one type of person who wants that, right? So the more specific you can be with your Reels, the better because they will be sorted and funneled into the right audience. Now, a couple of tips on how to optimize your Reels. And we're going to get into this more in...


the coming weeks of this four-part series. So make sure you have subscribed to the show so you don't miss when these new episodes drop. So one way to really niche down your Reels is through hashtags. They're not as effective as they used to be, but I do still recommend that you use them and that they're very niche down, they're very specific. So instead of hashtag wedding, it could be hashtag wedding dance or hashtag wedding planning tips.


So the more specific you can be, the better. The hook on the screen, whether that is a visual hook that is telling a story through a visual, or it is a text on screen hook that really calls out that ideal client. Maybe it calls out a struggle or a pain point that they're having and it presents them a solution, maybe a quick tip that they can implement. That kind of strategy really helps to optimize your Reels.


to ensure that they get in front of the right people. The other way to optimize your Reels is to smack on a call to action at the end of your video. So many times I see creators and business owners bury their call to action in the bottom of their caption. And the truth is most people will not read your whole caption. So it's very important.


that you have some sort of call to action that just makes sense with the video that you're creating. So for example, if I'm giving you one tip that's super helpful in decorating your home, then at the end of

 the video I might say, and if you want more tips on home decor, follow me for more. Or I might say, I give you five more tips in my new freebie, which is linked in my bio. Right, so you just want to make sure that you give them that next step.


because sometimes the viewers don't know what the next step is and sometimes they're just a little bit lazy and they just need to be told what to do. But if they have really found your video helpful, valuable, and entertaining, they will be so happy that you have given them a next step to take. Alright, so we are at the end of today's episode. Let's just summarize everything we've learned today.


We started with the basics of how the algorithm works and how it prioritizes your reels based on user interactions. So the more specific you can be with your reels, the better. Your goal is to find that ideal client avatar and create reels that are really specific and really speak to them. We talked about the power of reels for growth and lead generation, and that is why it is so important to optimize your reels.


Now, before we sign off, I just want to let you know that next week, I am bringing on one of my friends and an expert in Instagram marketing, Jess Jorgensen, and she is going to be sharing how she gained over 100,000 followers on Instagram in less than a year using Reels. She has so much knowledge to share, and I cannot wait to pick her brain and get all the tips and strategies for you.


So make sure you hit subscribe so you do not miss that episode. It is going to be gold. Okay, so in summary, optimize your reels, be specific, and make sure you join the Hot Reels community for more tips and support. And until next time, keep strutting your stuff on Instagram. I'll see you next week


Simple & FUN Instagram Reel Ideas That Convert (Part 4)


Algorithm Secrets to Attract Clients & Drive Sales (Part 2)