Simple & FUN Instagram Reel Ideas That Convert (Part 4)

Today you’ll learn some plug-and-play formulas for creating compelling Instagram reels in under five minutes. These 15-second reels are not only fun but also highly effective in boosting your brand's visibility. Each formula includes a step-by-step guide to scripting and creating your reels, ensuring you capture your audience's attention from the very first second.

This episode is the final part of our four-part mini-series on Instagram Reels.

In this episode, you’ll learn…

[03:27 - 06:52] Formula 1: Quick Tip

  • Purpose: Share a quick tip or hack for a common problem

  • Script Structure:

    • 0-3 seconds: Hook with a question or statement

    • 4-10 seconds: Demonstrate the tip or hack

    • 11-15 seconds: Call to action

  • Example: Productivity hack for busy entrepreneurs

[06:52 - 09:39] Formula 2: Before and After Transformation

  • Purpose: Showcase a before and after scenario

  • Script Structure:

    • 0-3 seconds: Hook with the before scenario

    • 4-10 seconds: Transition to the after scenario

    • 11-15 seconds: Encouragement or call to action

  • Example: Improving posture with a studio membership

[09:39 - 12:56] Formula 3: Mini Storytelling

  • Purpose: Tell a mini story that leads to your product or service

  • Script Structure:

    • 0-3 seconds: Hook with a relatable problem

    • 4-10 seconds: Introduce the solution

    • 11-15 seconds: Outcome or benefit and call to action

  • Example: Home buying success story

[12:56 - 13:24] Final Tips and Homework

  • Create a reel using one of the shared formulas

  • Experiment with different hooks and calls to action

  • Tag me on Instagram (@elizabethmarberry) to share your reels

Links mentioned in this episode…

JOIN HOT REELS: The 12-Month Instagram Content Lab
An intimate, strategy-packed mentorship for established business owners ready to create killer content that stops the scroll, grows your following and attracts your dreamboat clients (even if you have no idea what to post and feel like you’re always throwing spaghetti at the wall!)

Insta-Growth: The 30-Day Private Instagram Mentorship (SAVE $200 WITH CODE "PODCAST") -

Free guide to Monetize Your IG: Seven Simple and Proven Ways to Finally Make Money on Instagram

Apply for your FREE Instagram Breakthrough Call with Elizabeth


[04:25] "Focus about 80% of your content creation energy on your hook. If you cannot capture their attention within those first few seconds, they're gone, and your content is dead."


S3 Ep19 Simple & FUN Instagram Reel Ideas That Convert (Part 4)

Elizabeth Marberry: 00:00

Today I'm gonna be sharing with you some plug and play formulas that actually work for your Instagram reels. And the best part is these reels will take you less than five minutes to make. They are short 15 second reels. They're so fun and effective and I can't wait to break this down for you. So let's go.


Welcome to Strut It, a podcast about creating bold visibility on social media with zero apologies. I'm Elizabeth Marberry, your host and Instagram marketing coach. I help small business owners get seen on Instagram and monetize their offers so they can make more money doing their sole-led work. If you're tired of spinning your wheels on Instagram and you're seeking simple, proven Instagram marketing strategies that actually work, you're in the right place.


Let's dive in.


to part four of our four part mini series that has been focused on Instagram. Reels, my absolute favorite form of content on Instagram. As you know by now, Reels totally transformed my business, boosted our revenue, amplified our impact. I am so passionate about Reels, like I am such a nerd. And I'm so happy that you're still here with me because today is extra special. I saved the best for last.


I would be sharing with you some simple real formulas. These are some scripts that you can use in your business and brand. I'm going to give some really specific examples so you can get your creative wheels turning and hopefully walk away from this episode with at least one or two fantastic real ideas that you can go implement this week. Now if you're clear that you are committed to Instagram, you really want to show up consistently on the platform and become the best possible.


content creators so you can really attract more ideal clients into your business and really boost that brand visibility, then you definitely want to check out my newest membership which is called Hot Reels, not Hot Wheels, oh no, Hot Reels, the 12 month Instagram content lab. We are having so much fun getting people enrolled. We start so soon and I am jumping out of my skin excited to get started.


in this container with all of you. I'm gonna shortcut the learning curve for you and really help you to effectively leverage short form video to grow your brand. Everything that you create in the content lab can be used on Instagram, but it also, it can be repurposed on other platforms. And at the end of the day, I am teaching you the basics of effective marketing, social media marketing. And this is a system that works everywhere.


It works on your email list. It works on a podcast. It works in a keynote speech. So if you are in it for the long haul and you want to learn how to leverage video to really attract more eyeballs on your products or services, you definitely want to join the membership. You can go to slash hot to learn more. That's Elizabeth Marberry, M-A-R-B-E-R-R-Y dot com slash hot.


to learn more and I cannot wait to see you in the content lab. Okay, so let's get into the specific formulas and formats that can be used to script a compelling 15 second Instagram reel. These templates that I'm gonna share with you today are short and sweet and they're designed to keep your content really engaging and straightforward but also actionable for your audience.


And those are the keys for really capturing audience attention quickly. So in a 15 second reel, you don't have a lot of time, right? And as you know, those first three seconds of your reel are critical. If you cannot capture their attention within those first few seconds, they're gone and your content is dead. So I always tell my clients, focus about 80% of your content creation energy on your hook.


on that attention grabbing statement that is going to call out that dreamboat client and let them know what you're about to deliver in your reel. Don't let them have to wait and guess to see what's coming at the end. Absolutely not. It's the opposite. You wanna lead with the punchline. You wanna lead with the most powerful hook because then they will keep watching. And as you know, the more they watch, the more they engage, the algorithm will show your content to them.


more. And of course, hopefully they will follow you, do all the things, DM you, get your links, join your email list, buy your offers. It's so much fun. Formula number one is called the quick tip. So your goal with this formula is to share a quick tip or a hack that solves a common problem that your ideal client is experiencing.


And this little tip or hack can right away just give them some results in their daily life, even if it's just a small one degree upgrade. And before I get into the script structure, know that for all of these, I'm going to tell you the structure first, and then I'll give you a specific example so you can really understand how these look in the wild. Your script structure goes like this. In the first zero to three seconds is your hook.


and you're gonna hook them with a question or a statement. In seconds four through 10, you are going to demonstrate the tip or the hack in action. And the final 11 to 15 seconds of your reel, you will have your call to action. That is so important that you always include some sort of call to action on each reel video. So here's an example.


So maybe your hook is quick productivity hack for busy entrepreneurs. And then you demonstrate the two minute rule. If it takes less than two minutes, do it now. Then your call to action is follow for more tips to boost your efficiency. So notice that I didn't just say follow for more. I'm saying follow for more tips to boost your efficiency. So I'm telling them,


why they should follow me for more and what they're gonna get, like what's in it for them. The second formula that I wanna share with you is called the before and after transformation. So your goal with this is to showcase a before and after scenario that really highlights the effectiveness of your product or service or technique. So here's your script structure. In the first zero to three seconds, you are going to


hook them by showing the before scenario with a visual and a tagline. In seconds four through 10, you'll show a quick transition to the after with kind of a dramatic reveal. And then in the final 11 to 15 seconds, there will be encouragement or a call to action.


So let's break this down so it makes more sense. So imagine that you are a studio owner and in the first zero to three seconds, you are showcasing a person with poor posture. So they're hunched over. And maybe your hook on the screen is the magic key to better posture. Then in seconds four through 10 of your video,


You'll transition to the after and showing your client with improved posture after their sessions with you. And then in the 11 to 15 seconds, your call to action will be comment guide for better posture in 28 days. That is one of those examples where you will really have to leverage your caption to explain more. But in the top line of your caption,


In this free guide, we walk you through a 28 day process to get your posture back on track, and then go into the results of what they're gonna get in that guide. Now, when they comment on your post, if you have DM automation set up like I do, I use ManyChat, you can set it up where ManyChat sends your free guide to that person in their direct messages.


They grab your free guide in exchange for their name and email, so you're building your email list where you can continue to nurture your relationship with them, deepen that relationship, and hopefully enroll them at your studio in a membership. Or if you don't use DM automation, that's perfectly fine. You would just go in and manually send that person a direct message. So that's just one example of how you can use the before and after transformation.


The third formula I want to share with you for a quick and easy 15 second reel is called the mini storytelling format. And your goal with this one is exactly what it sounds like, to tell a mini story that is relatable and leads to your product or service as the solution. Here's how the script structure will look.


In the first zero to three seconds, of course you're gonna hook them, you should know that by now. And what you'll be doing in these first few seconds is you'll set the scene with a relatable problem or situation. In seconds four through 10, you'll introduce the solution, right? Which is your product, your service, your idea in action. So you'll show that in action. And then in the final 11 to 15 seconds, so the end, which you will include your call time.


action, you will have the outcome or benefit and a call to action. So let's give you an example here of, okay, let's say I'm a real estate agent and I want to use this mini storytelling format. How would I do that? So my goal is to highlight the home buying success story of one of my previous clients. In the first zero to three seconds, I will show my clients looking at different.


or a home. In seconds four through ten, you are showing the moment when they found their dream home. So maybe you got footage of them touring it, seeing it, feeling really excited, considering it, and then at the end they're closing the deal in celebration. They're popping the champagne, they're jumping up and down, maybe they're giving you a hug. So that's the last 11 to 15 seconds. So your call to action at the end could be


turn your dream home into reality. And then another text box underneath that says, here's how with a little emoji pointing down. And that's where you can tell the story a little bit more and have that call to action of how they can take that next step with you. So those are three really simple, easy, effective formulas that work for a 15 second reel. Now your homework is to create


your first reel or maybe you've been creating reels this whole time, which awesome. But I want you to go and create a reel this week and I want you to test out one of these formulas. And here's what I want you to know. The first one you make, it may work, it may not work, but try over and over again, play with different hooks, play with different calls to action, play with different videos, different trending audios. I'm telling you.


That is the key is being willing to rinse and repeat and test. You do not always have to reinvent the wheel on Instagram. So if you see something is working for another account, that's in a similar niche, then by all means take it and put your own spin on it, but watch it, see what formula they're using and plug and play your own brand message into that formula. Again,


You don't have to reinvent the wheel if it's already working, then go use it. And don't forget to tag me on Instagram. When you implement one of these formulas this week, I cannot wait to see what you create. I will be celebrating and doing a happy dance with you. And if you're not already following me on Instagram, you definitely got to hang out with me over there. You can find me at Elizabeth Marberry, M-A-R-B-E-R-R-Y.


That's where I hang out and I would love to see your content that you post. I hope that you loved this four part mini series on Reels really mastering the art of Reels basics. I hope it was helpful for you. And if you got a lot of value out of it, please share it with a friend. Let someone know even share it to your story. Tag me on Instagram. I so appreciate your support.


you rating, reviewing, subscribing to the podcast, that really helps us in the podcast algorithm to be shown to more incredible entrepreneurs who are looking to leverage Instagram and social media in their organic marketing strategy. I so appreciate your support in this community that we are building together. And I would love to serve you at a deeper level if that feels aligned for you in your business right now.


If you want to learn more about my membership, you can go to slash hot to learn all about Hot Reels, the 12 month Instagram content lab. There is monthly live coaching with me. If you love these formulas, I'm gonna be sharing with you viral hooks and templates and formulas that you can plug and play and feel so confident in showing up consistently.


You're gonna learn how to show up with total authenticity and really magnetize all of those dreamboat clients into your sphere. And I just cannot wait to hang out with you in this membership. So once more, just hop on over to my website, slash hot for more information. And I can't wait to dive into more with you next week. Thank you for listening to Strut It. If you're ready to start leveraging Instagram to grow your business,


then you're gonna wanna grab my free Monetize Your IG Guide, where you'll learn seven simple and proven ways to finally make money on Instagram. You can grab your guide at slash freebies. That's slash freebies to get my Monetize Your IG Guide.


If you got some incredible value from today's episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. And I cannot wait to start it with you again next week.


Beginner's Guide to ChatGPT for Instagram Marketing Success (Part 1)


Go Viral on Reels! The Triple E Formula for Explosive Growth (Part 3)