3 Secret ChatGPT Hacks for Faster, Smarter Instagram Content (part 3)

3 Secret ChatGPT Hacks for Faster, Smarter Instagram Content (part 3)

Are you feeling like your Instagram content isn't quite hitting the mark? Maybe you’re cranking out posts but not seeing the engagement or reach you aim for. 

If you’re ready to supercharge your Instagram game and attract those dreamboat followers who will convert into paying clients, you’re in the right place!

Today, I’m sharing three ways I use ChatGPT and AI to work smarter, not harder with my Instagram strategy. Plus, I’m giving you a killer prompt to craft a 30-day content calendar that will take your Instagram presence to the next level.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

[02:15] Why Seeding ChatGPT Matters: Before diving into content creation, it’s crucial to seed ChatGPT with specific details about your business. Discover how to provide ChatGPT with the right information to generate tailored and impactful content ideas.

[08:40] Three Ways to Use ChatGPT for Instagram Success:

  • [08:50] Repurpose Old Hooks: Learn how to breathe new life into your top-performing Reels by repurposing and refining hooks to create engaging content in various formats.

  • [12:20] Transform Long Captions: Find out how to repurpose your value-packed captions into other formats like emails and Reels to maximize your content’s reach and impact.

  • [16:10] Brainstorm Fresh Content Ideas: Use ChatGPT as a brainstorming partner to generate new and innovative content ideas tailored to your niche and audience’s needs.

[21:00] The Ultimate 30-Day Content Calendar Prompt: I’m sharing a detailed prompt to help you create a 30-day content calendar focused on Instagram Reels. This prompt will guide you in crafting engaging and strategic content that aligns with your brand’s pillars and addresses your audience’s pain points and desires.

LINKS mentioned in this episode…

Want to use AI to build your online business? Work with my AI Coach, Juan Galen, and join the AI Creator Academy

JOIN HOT REELS: The 12-Month Instagram Content Lab
An intimate, strategy-packed mentorship for established business owners ready to create killer content that stops the scroll, grows your following and attracts your dreamboat clients (even if you have no idea what to post and feel like you’re always throwing spaghetti at the wall!)

Insta-Growth: The 30-Day Private Instagram Mentorship (SAVE $200 WITH CODE "PODCAST")

Free guide to Monetize Your IG: Seven Simple and Proven Ways to Finally Make Money on Instagram

Apply for your FREE Instagram Breakthrough Call with Elizabeth


09:25 "The power of ChatGPT isn’t just in generating content; it’s in transforming the way we think about and create content. With the right prompts, you can turn old ideas into new gold mines and brainstorm content that truly resonates with your audience."


S3 Ep22 - 3 Secret ChatGPT Hacks for Faster, Smarter Instagram Content (part 3)

Elizabeth Marberry: 00:00

I see you, you're showing up on Instagram, you're creating a lot of content, and you want it to perform better. You wanna boost your engagement and your reach, and most importantly, you wanna attract those dreamboat followers that you can convert into a paying client. Well, today's episode is for you. I'm gonna be teaching you three very specific ways in which I leverage ChatGPT and AI.


to help me work smarter, not harder with my Instagram marketing strategy. Plus, I'm gonna be sharing with you a killer prompt that you can use to craft a 30-day content calendar. I'm so pumped, let's get into it. Welcome to Strut It, a podcast about creating bold visibility on social media with zero apologies.


I'm Elizabeth Marberry, your host and Instagram marketing coach. I help small business owners get seen on Instagram and monetize their offers so they can make more money doing their sole lead work. If you're tired of spinning your wheels on Instagram and you're seeking simple, proven Instagram marketing strategies that actually work, you're in the right place. Let's dive in.


Thank you for joining me for another episode of Strut It Bold Visibility Through Instagram Marketing. I am so happy that you're taking this time today to learn more about AI marketing and specifically ChatGPT and how you can start using this tool to grow your business. As I record this, it is mid-July here in Colorado and it has been hot. I'm talking hundreds. And I don't know about you, but when it gets really hot,


I find that sometimes my motivation for creating content just goes down. I just want to lay by the pool and relax. I want to have a margarita. I just want to chill. And today's episode is kind of in alignment with that because one of my goals in using AI and specifically ChatGPT is to give myself more time away from my business, give myself time.


to rest and relax and be with my husband and my kids and not be stressing about constantly needing to create more and more content. And that's honestly why I'm so excited to share today's episode with you because it's all about ways in which I've been using ChatGPT to really work smarter, work more efficiently with the brilliant content that I've already created, I've already tested.


And now I can use ChatGPT to repurpose. So that way I am at the pool, I am chilling with my husband and I'm not constantly needing to reinvent the wheel. So I cannot wait to share this with you. And I'm just sending you love if you are also in the midst of summer and you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed or overloaded or behind. I've got you, we can do this together. And I'm so happy you've joined me today. So you have landed here on.


part three of our four part mini series that is focused on AI marketing. The focus of the series mostly has been on ChatGPT, but I also recommend testing out everything I've been teaching you with Google Gemini. Those are my absolute two favorite tools to use right now. They're free and I highly recommend you sign up and get using those tools ASAP. If you missed part one and two, definitely go back and listen. It is


absolutely worthwhile. Part one was a beginner's guided ChatGPT for Instagram marketing where I went over all of the basics and even explored misconceptions of AI. So if you've been hesitant about using AI or you're worried that it's going to replace you or you're going to have to fire your copywriter and you love your copywriter, please go listen to that because I really address all of those misconceptions and worries that I see other content creators and business owners have.


because I really want you to hop on the AI bandwagon as soon as possible. Because as I mentioned in the first episode, and I'm not sure who said this, I know Brock Johnson recently said it, but I don't know if he's the original person that said it. You will not be replaced by AI, but you may be replaced by someone who knows how to leverage AI. So you are so smart to tune into this episode and put on your learning hat and at least just be open to what you can explore with these new tools.


In part two last week, we talked about how to craft a killer prompt. And as you know, by now the output that ChatGPT gives you is only as good as the input. So it is very vital that you start to learn how to engineer a prompt that is effective. Now, don't worry. I'm not asking you to quit your job and go become a ChatGPT prompt engineer. Yes, those people actually exist. That is not required.


You just need a very basic knowledge of how to use prompts effectively. So that way, again, AI, ChatGPT can be your little assistant in your office helping you work smarter, not harder. Okay, so today I'm gonna be sharing with you three ways that I am using ChatGPT to grow my Instagram following and attract more Dreamboat clients. I'm also gonna be sharing with you a really killer content prompt that will help you to create a 30 day


content calendar for your business and brand. I'm so excited. Before we drive into three ways that you can use ChatGPT to grow your Instagram and create better content, I wanna talk about seeding. Why do businesses and brands need to seed ChatGPT? So let me explain to you what this is if you've never heard of it.


So before you start asking ChatGPT for Instagram content ideas or strategy, for example, it is crucial to provide it with specific information about your business. And that process is called seeding, ChatGPT, okay? So why is this important? I hope it's obvious, but seeding helps ChatGPT really understand you, understand your brand, your mission, your audience, your content pillars, your goals.


And as you give it more information, you're allowing ChatGPT to generate more relevant and tailored content ideas. You know, the people who I see on Facebook or Instagram who are kind of like, oh, I can smell ChatGPT, you know, in your content. That's because the prompts that people are giving it, the outputs are very generic and you don't want that, right? Like that's not what any of us want. We want it to be really tailored and targeted.


to our brand, our brand voice, and our target market, our target audience. So this is where you cannot skip this step of seeding. Now I have a very specific seeding prompt that I'm gonna share with you, and I did not write this prompt. In fact, Juan Galen, my AI coach, did, and he has an incredible program called AI Creator Academy. I signed up for it, it's incredible. It's a deep dive into AI for marketing, not just on Instagram, but everywhere.


And I did his program. And if you want the link to that, check the show notes. I include a link to his program so you can join it. It is killer and it's awesome. And I'm excited to tell you that in a few weeks, Juan is coming on the podcast. I'm gonna be interviewing him. So get pumped. I'm super pumped and excited about that. So this prompt is an example of a seed prompt that you can use for your business and customize it for your business. And Juan developed this prompt and shared it with me. And now I'm sharing it with you.


So here's the prompt. You say, I am a, and then you describe your business. Next you say, the name of my brand is blank, right? So it needs to obviously know the name of your company. My target market is, and then you describe your target market in as much detail as possible. For example, women 25 to 35 who are looking to improve their health while managing a busy lifestyle, et cetera, et cetera, right?


Next, you're going to talk about my best selling product or service is, and then you're going to describe to ChatGPT your product. You can also, what I do is I describe my whole offer suite because I have more entry level offers. I have kind of more mid-tier level offers and then a higher tier offer for someone who's really experienced and needs a very specific set of coaching from me. And so within your business, you may have a different product suite.


or different service suite so you can share all of your products and services with ChatGPT. And if you're doing that and you have different target markets for each of those products, you can definitely share that as well. And I recommend that you do the more information you share the better. Finally at the end, after you've fed all this information in, you're going to say please confirm you understand what my business sells and who it helps.


And I like to do this a lot when I'm prompting ChatGPT is essentially asking it to confirm that it understands or repeat back to me what it hears me say, just like you would in conversation with another person. And this will absolutely help you to train ChatGPT to know your brand. So before you do any of the next three things I'm gonna share with you, make sure that you have done the seating and.


As of today in July of 2024, ChatGPT does have a memory and I'm not sure if you have to have the paid version to get the memory or if it just does it. I use ChatGPT 4.0, I used to use 3.5, but I think it may be just the paid version. If you have the paid version, you can say, please remember this and it will remember it. So check into that.


But otherwise what you can do is once you've put all of that information in the seed prompt, you can save that in a Google doc or a note on your phone. And then every time you go into ChatGPT to start a new session, you just copy paste that in there to start the conversation. Okay, so that's the first thing that I want to share with you is that idea of seeding. And now I wanna get into three ways that you can use ChatGPT to grow your Instagram and attract those dreamboat clients.


I currently use ChatGPT to help me with my Instagram marketing strategy. I'm so excited for you to try this too because it's going to work great. The first thing I do is repurpose old hooks. What I want you to do is go into your professional dashboard and run a report for the last six months of your Reels content. Let's just look at Reels today. You're going to look at your top-performing Reels, like which Reels did the absolute best. Next, you're going to look at the hooks on the screen, or maybe it was the hook in the caption if you didn't have a hook on the screen, and you're going to see what it was. Next, you are going to feed that hook into ChatGPT and ask it to rewrite it, right? So, rewrite this hook, and you can say there are lots of different ways you can ask it to do this.


Please rewrite this hook in a very similar way, but different, and give me five different examples. By giving a specific number, you can use that same information, that same hook, but you can just essentially reword it. Another example would be, let's say your original hook was "Five tips to boost your Instagram engagement." The prompt you could use would be, "Can you rewrite this hook for a talking head directed camera reel?" Essentially, what you can have it do is reposition the hook so you can put that on screen, and you could ask it to write you a content script for that talking head reel. So, if I did a seven-second video that was "Five tips to boost your Instagram engagement," and all of the information was in the caption, I could ask ChatGPT to recreate that post and help me write a script for a direct-to-camera reel.


It's a fantastic way of taking a piece of your content that already performed really well and then finding ways to polish it, refine it, and test it in different formats. Another simple way of doing this is to copy and paste the viral hook that you had. Let's say you had a video that went viral or performed way better than your other videos, and you paste it into ChatGPT. You just say, "Please give me 10 other similar hooks that use this exact same formula." You can even tell it what the formula is. So, that example of "Five tips to boost your Instagram engagement," it's like the number of tips and then what is the solution or desire of your target market. Repurposing hooks is a brilliant way to use ChatGPT.


The second way you can use ChatGPT in your Instagram marketing strategy is to repurpose longer, value-driven captions. You can use that in many different ways. Let me give you a couple of examples of how I do it. On Instagram, you have your Reel, you have your text on screen, and then down below is the caption. In your caption, you have a hook at the top, and sometimes in our longer captions, the caption might tell a story or maybe have the five tips. Those captions that really bring value to your target market, you can copy that caption into ChatGPT and ask it to create other content with that information. For example,


I have done that where I took my caption because it was gold; it was so good. I said, "I would like to turn this into an email for my list, and here is my call to action at the end, which will be different than on Instagram, inviting people into my program, for example." You can do that where you repurpose a caption into an email. You could also repurpose your caption into a talking head, directed camera-style Reel.


So, maybe I have a short seven-second video and then a longer caption with all the information. I can take that longer caption and ask ChatGPT to repurpose it into a script where I can hit all of those points in a talking head video. Essentially, it's taking the information that you're already putting out there and then taking that one piece of content and creating ten new pieces of content, right? You could create a Reel script,


a story, another handful of those short-form seven to fifteen-second videos with the same kind of content pillar. You could take your longer caption and repurpose it for an email or a blog. The possibilities are endless, but if you've already taken the effort to write out a long caption, why not use ChatGPT to help you repurpose it? The third way you can use ChatGPT to


grow your Instagram and attract more soulmate clients is to use it as a brainstorming partner to help you generate new content ideas, new Reel ideas, and new story ideas that are specific to your business niche. A lot of feedback I get from business owners is they feel exhausted by the constant need to churn out content. You should


never have that issue if you learn how to use ChatGPT as a tool for your business. Remember, this is a tool like anything else. You're going to be bad at it in the beginning. You're not going to be good at using it. Just like when you created your first Reel on Instagram, you probably had no idea what you were doing. It took you hours and hours. The output wasn't great. Same thing with ChatGPT. It's going to take some time for you to learn the skill, but I have no...


your time and energy investment. I know it will save you time and energy in the future and, hopefully, resources as well, because you have this built-in assistant, this built-in brainstorming little robot friend that can help you come up with many strategic ideas for your business. Let's use the example of a Pilates studio. Let's say you've already provided ChatGPT with all the information about your brand, where you're located, who it's for,


the products or services you offer, and your brand differentiators, like what makes your brand unique, what your core values are, and the tone in which your brand speaks. Again, the more you tell ChatGPT, the better the output will be. So, you've already fed that information into ChatGPT. Let's say you are running a campaign for your business about how Pilates can help alleviate back pain.


You could feed that information into ChatGPT and say something like, "Please give me five Instagram Reel ideas to highlight the problem of my ideal client, which is severe and long-term back pain, and how Pilates can help them heal within a short timeframe with consistent practice." ChatGPT will then give you a list of ideas. If those ideas are great, you can run with them.


If they're not, you can provide even more detailed feedback. It's a great way to focus on targeted campaigns or specific content pillars, as ChatGPT can help you get into the nitty-gritty. As you're listening to this, if you're thinking, "Well, I'm not sure what the specific pain points of my ideal clients are," or "I know a couple of them, but I need even more help


getting more specific on what their pain points or actual desires are," you can also use ChatGPT and Google Gemini for that target market research. You can input, "Please list the 10 biggest struggles of my ideal client," or "Please list the top 10 desires that my ideal clients have." That will help you see that


these pain points or solutions should be part of your content pillars that you talk about consistently on a weekly and monthly basis. Remember, your target audience wants to feel seen in your content. It's important to be direct and specific, highlighting their problems and painting the picture of the solution, which is your product or service. So, when you feel stuck with content,


remember to be specific with ChatGPT about what you're looking for. Is it Reels? Carousels? Story ideas? Are you creating a Reel to attract new followers? Are you creating a Reel to promote one of your newest offerings? Be specific, and you'll be amazed at the awesome ideas ChatGPT can give you. Okay, I want to leave you with this awesome 30-day content calendar prompt.


that my friend Juan gave me. I'm gonna read it off to you. I highly recommend that you write this down so you can listen, pause, write it down, keep listening, pause, write it down. It'll be worth your time and effort to do that. I really want you to test out this prompt and see how it works for you. And again, check the show notes for Juan's program. He's incredible. This is one of hundreds and hundreds of prompts that he has in this master vault of ChatGPT prompts.


So if you dig this, you're gonna love one's program and I'll make sure I put that in the show notes. Okay, so here's your 30 day content calendar prompt. Acting as my Instagram strategist, create a 30 day content calendar with one daily post. The focus is on Instagram reels. The content should revolve around my three or you can say five content pillars.


So at this point, you've already told ChatGPT what are your content pillars and address the three customer avatar problems, questions, roadblocks, desires, or results. For each day, please provide one, the day number, two, the content pillar it aligns with, rotating through the three pillars, three, the content type, alternating between strategy tips, POV, personal story, how to guide, and listicles. Four.


A compelling hook for each post. The hook should be short, engaging, statement designed to grab the audience's attention immediately. For example, POV, you learned how to use AI in your business and now you, or I don't know why no one's telling you this about Chat GPT, but, or steal my exact chat GPT for prompt in 60 seconds. Five.


A how-to section for each post. This should provide more detailed information on what my community will learn in that post. Six, the role it plays in my 90 day content strategy. The goal is to create a balanced and engaging mix of content that aligns with my brand's focus, targeting my four customer avatars, or you could say three customer avatars, however many avatars you have. The content should be insightful and action oriented.


Suitable for an Instagram audience seeking growth in their online business. Please provide results in a table format and start with the first seven days. Okay, so that was a lot, and I just want to highlight a couple of parts of why this prompt is so good. Yes, you can write that down. Obviously, you're going to have to completely customize it for your brand, but I wanted to give you that very specific example of how detailed a prompt needs to be to really get the best possible output.


So, a couple of things I just want to highlight really quickly is that at the beginning, we said "acting as my Instagram strategist." It's always a good idea to let ChatGPT know how you want it to act. So you could say "acting as an expert copywriter," "acting as an email marketing strategist," or "acting as an Instagram marketing mentor," or whatever it is. That really helps. As you can see, we got very detailed about exactly the context and the specific format we wanted to come out.


as, like in the table format. And the last thing I just want to point out that we did with this prompt is we gave ChatGPT examples. So oftentimes, if you're not getting great results, it's because you might describe a hook to ChatGPT, but it still doesn't really understand what a hook is. So if you can give it examples of other really good hooks, that can really help it understand what the heck you're asking of it, and your output will be so much better.


To close out this episode, I want to remind you to always check for accuracy. You have to review that the information provided is actually true and relevant. And remember to always use ChatGPT as a first draft. You always need to edit it to match your brand's voice and style. And don't forget to add your own personal touches. So this is definitely not a copy-and-paste strategy. It is really just...


the first draft, and then you get to refine it. You and your team get to refine it and take it to the next level. Lastly, don't be afraid to experiment with these prompts. It's going to take a hot minute to really make sure that these prompts are in alignment with your brand, but I encourage you to start playing with it today and diving in. And if you want my eyes on your Instagram content for a full year, then you must join Hot Reels, the 12-month Instagram content lab.


I am so excited. We kick off in August, and the doors are closing soon. So make sure you go to elizabethmarberry.com/hot to learn more and enroll. This program is killer. You are going to learn how to master the art of creating reels that will absolutely grow your audience, attract more ideal followers, boost your brand's visibility and credibility, and of course,


I'm going to teach you exactly how to convert those ideal followers into paying clients. I am so pumped. We have incredible business owners who have already stepped in. This is a small intimate community. So this is not like an Amy Porterfield, Jenna Kutcher, like thousands and hundreds of people. This is an intimate group of 10. And as I'm recording this, I have six spots left. So if this is you, it's an extremely high-touch


environment. I cannot wait to support you in your business as you use Instagram to grow. And the best part about this too is the people in my programs. Not only am I teaching you Instagram marketing, I'm teaching you marketing. So everything that you learn in this program, you can apply to your emails, to your podcasts, to your YouTube videos, anywhere else that you're showing up for your business. It is going to be an invaluable


investment for you, and your ROI will be insane. So go to elizabethmarberry.com/hot for more info, and I will see you back here next week for part four, where I'm going to be sharing with you my secret tool that I utilize on my Instagram that has completely boosted my sales and builds my email list in my sleep. So make sure you subscribe to the show, and I'll see you next week. Thank you for listening to Strutted.


If you're ready to start leveraging Instagram to grow your business, then you're going to want to grab my free Monetize Your IG Guide, where you'll learn seven simple and proven ways to finally make money on Instagram.


You can grab your guide at elizabethmarberry.com/freebies. That's elizabethmarberry.com/freebies to get my Monetize Your IG Guide. If you got some incredible value from today's episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. And I cannot wait to start it with you again next week.


Close Sales While You Sleep: The Power of Instagram DM Automation (part 4)


Crafting Killer ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Success (Part 2)