Crafting Killer ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Success (Part 2)

Crafting Killer ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Success (Part 2)

Have you ever felt let down by the generic and uninspired responses from AI tools like ChatGPT or Google Gemini?  Your prompts likely need refinement. 

Part 2 of our AI Marketing Series looks into how the quality of your questions directly influences the AI's answers, giving you practical tips to make your content creation smoother, streamline your workflows, and save you precious time.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

[03:13] What is a Prompt?

- A prompt is the input or question you feed to ChatGPT to get a response.

- Clear, concise, and specific prompts are essential for getting accurate and useful answers.

[05:46] Elements of a Good Prompt

- Clarity: Avoid vague language and be specific about what you want.

- Context: Provide enough background information to give ChatGPT a framework.

- Specificity: Ask specific questions to get specific answers.

[12:23] Effective Prompt Examples

- Good Prompt: "What are some engaging Instagram story ideas for a handmade jewelry business that focuses on eco-friendly products?"

- Bad Prompt: "Tell me some good Instagram story ideas."

[16:11] Tips for Creating Effective ChatGPT Prompts

- Start with a clear goal.

- Be specific about your desired outcome.

- Use relevant keywords and provide context.

[19:55] Common Challenges

- Unclear prompts lead to inaccurate or irrelevant responses.

- Lack of context results in generic outputs.

- Avoid technical jargon to prevent misinterpretations.

[22:48] Using ChatGPT as an Assistant

- Treat ChatGPT as your personal assistant.

- Go back and forth, refining the outputs to suit your brand's voice and tone.

- AI can help streamline and organize your thoughts, making content creation more efficient.

Links mentioned in this episode…

Juan Galen with AI Creator Academy:

Mark Asquith -

JOIN HOT REELS: The 12-Month Instagram Content Lab
An intimate, strategy-packed mentorship for established business owners ready to create killer content that stops the scroll, grows your following and attracts your dreamboat clients (even if you have no idea what to post and feel like you’re always throwing spaghetti at the wall!)

Insta-Growth: The 30-Day Private Instagram Mentorship (SAVE $200 WITH CODE "PODCAST") -

Free guide to Monetize Your IG: Seven Simple and Proven Ways to Finally Make Money on Instagram

Apply for your FREE Instagram Breakthrough Call with Elizabeth


09:25  "AI is an assistant for you. It's not going to replace you. It really is just a helper."


S3 Ep21 Crafting Killer ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Success (Part 2)

Elizabeth Marberry: 00:00

If you've tried to use ChatGPT or Google Gemini for your social media marketing strategy and you've been disappointed by the generic responses it's giving you, it's likely that your prompts need some improvement. Because ChatGPT, the output that it gives us is only as good as the input that you give it. So today's episode is all about how do you design the most effective prompts so you can get the best possible output from AI to support you in your content creation, target market research, and streamlining all of the things you do on a weekly basis so you can save time and work more efficiently. I can't wait to dive into this, so let's get started.

Welcome to Strut It, a podcast about creating bold visibility on social media with zero apologies. I'm Elizabeth Marberry, your host and Instagram marketing coach. I help small business owners get seen on Instagram and monetize their offers so they can make more money doing their soul-led work. If you're tired of spinning your wheels on Instagram and you're seeking simple, proven Instagram marketing strategies that actually work, you're in the right place. Let's dive in!

Welcome back to Strut It. I'm so happy you landed here in part two of our four-part miniseries on AI marketing and specifically focusing on ChatGPT. I love this topic. I am still learning and mastering this topic myself, and I'm so happy that you're coming alongside me. If you haven't already, I invite you to go back and listen to part one, A Beginner's Guide to ChatGPT for Instagram Marketing. I really dove into the basics of what is AI, what is ChatGPT, and we explored common misconceptions about AI. So if you have any resistance to using AI, I highly recommend you go back and listen. And I also shared with you how some big brands are leveraging AI in their marketing and beyond to just paint a picture for you of what is possible when you start to use this new tool.

So today's episode is all about prompts and we are going to talk about what is a prompt and I'm going to teach you the elements that make a good prompt because if you are not giving ChatGPT an effective prompt, it's not going to work for you and it will be a waste of your time. So this is one of the biggest things I have learned in the last few months and I'm happy to hopefully shortcut the learning curve for you today and really teach you how to master the art of prompts so you can get better results. I'm also going to be exploring some common challenges that I've had that I know other creators and business owners have had as they're starting to use AI and ChatGPT. And I'm going to give you some tips on how to work around and some solutions that hopefully will be really helpful for you.

Okay, so let's get into it. What is a prompt? Simply put, a prompt is the input or information or question that you feed to ChatGPT to get a response. Now, why are prompts so important? They are so incredibly important because you want to get accurate and useful answers from ChatGPT, right? Like that's why we're using this. And side note, I talked about this last week, but I want to make sure this is in this episode as well. You must always check the accuracy of the outputs of ChatGPT. I have been using it a lot for research for my podcast episodes, research for my emails, research for my reels and all of my content. And sometimes I will discover that it's giving me something that's just not true. So you absolutely have to come at it from a human perspective. Your brain needs to stay online. But this is really more of a helper. Think of ChatGPT as your own personal assistant, which I just love. Who doesn't need their own personal assistant?

Now let's get into the elements of a good prompt. I'm going to tell you three things to focus on. The first is clarity. You absolutely must be clear and concise and avoid vague language. So an example of being vague would be, tell me about what Instagram does. Right? Like that's very vague versus saying, what are some tips for accounts under a thousand followers for creating engaging Instagram reels that will help me to attract more of my ideal clients on Instagram and grow my following? Right? Like totally different. So the clarity and conciseness is so important. And I, I'm going to probably be saying that a hundred times in this episode. So get ready.

The second piece is super important and that is context. You have to provide enough background information. Now this is called seeding and we are going to be talking about this more in depth next week, but I'm just going to give you a high level view of it. So seeding is essentially teaching ChatGPT who you are, who you help about your products and services, your ideal clients, etc. So you have to give it enough background so its outputs can be more targeted for you and less general. And this seeding process actually takes quite a bit of back and forth because essentially what you're doing is you're feeding as much as in your brain about your business to ChatGPT so it can get to know you and your brand. That is the most important first step before you start asking it questions. Now, I will start a new chat with ChatGPT, depending on what I'm doing. But for the purposes of this episode, when you're going in specifically to ask, let's say for Instagram real ideas, it needs to know all the details of who you are, where you're located, where your ideal clients are located, what are their interests, what are they struggling with, what do they desire, how does your product or service help them, what are your differentiators as a brand, like everything that you have in your brain. The more you can give ChatGPT that framework, the outputs that you get for your next questions are going to be way better.

And next week, I'm going to give you some more specific prompts for your business. You can start to really understand what I'm talking about when I say seeding ChatGPT. But for today, just know that giving it a very clear context is so important. And the third element of a good prompt is specificity. So asking really specific questions to get specific answers. So a specific question could be, what are three creative Instagram caption ideas for my new product launch of X, Y, and Z. This product is for this person, and they're struggling with this, right? So you're giving ChatGPT a really specific question with some context, and you're asking it to say, hey, give me three creative caption ideas. Sometimes I play with this and I will say, give me 10 ideas. And as it gives me that output, inevitably it's not quite right. Or maybe there's one of those 10 that actually feels more relevant for my brand. So I will say to ChatGPT, I like this one, number four. I love the tone of it. I love the specificity of it. This is actually a pain point of my client. Can you create five more ideas that are similar to this? So remember that it's not like you put in a prompt and you get an output and then you're done and you close your laptop. This is your assistant. So just like you had an assistant in real life, you're going back and forth. You're giving them feedback. You're saying, oh, that's not quite right. I want you to write in a more casual tone or I want you to write in a more playful tone or professional tone or whatever your brand voice is, but knowing that you have to be in dialogue with ChatGPT and you will be amazed at how the output and the responses will improve as you start to do that.

So I want to give you some specific examples of effective prompts. And some examples of prompts that are just not working. Here's a good prompt. What are some engaging Instagram story ideas for a handmade jewelry business that focuses on eco-friendly products? So you can hear how specific it is. That prompt is clear, specific, and it provides some context, making it easier for ChatGPT to give relevant suggestions. Now, a bad prompt would be like, tell me some good Instagram story ideas. All that you'll get is just generic ideas that you could find anywhere, right? And that's not really going to help you. Another example of a great prompt is, I own a handmade jewelry business called Eco Gems that focuses on eco-friendly products. My ideal audience is women aged 25 to 40 who are interested in sustainable fashion. Can you suggest five Instagram reel ideas that highlight the eco-friendly aspects of my jewelry? Oh, I love that example. And by the way, that particular example I got from preparing for this episode and being in dialogue with ChatGPT. So I actually used this tool to help me design this episode. So it's really incredible.

So here are some tips for you because I want you to walk away from today's episode feeling excited to start creating your own prompts for your brand that you can rinse and repeat. So the first step is I want you to start with a clear goal. So you have to know what you want to achieve with your prompt. And as we've talked about, specificity is key. You have to clearly state your desired outcome with relevant keywords and context. So, as I was preparing for this four-part mini-series, I let ChatGPT know. By this point, it knows all about my brand, it knows all about my podcast, and so I said, hey, I'm working on this four-part mini-series that's all about AI marketing, and here's what I want to talk about in one, two, three, and four, here's my ideas, and then it helped me to just kind of organize my workflow and also provide other specific examples. Once I gave it clear prompts on my end, the examples they gave me were incredible. So you have to go into it knowing exactly what your goal is. An example is if

you want to increase your Instagram engagement, then you need to specify that in your prompt. So how can I create an engaging Instagram post to promote this a limited-time offer for my Pilates studio, right? And so this, of course, by this point, you would have already told it, what is your Pilates studio? What's the name of it? Where are you located? Who do you serve? Do you do in-person? Do you do virtual? Like all the details, but do you hear how I was saying, how do I create an engaging Instagram post? You can let it know your, here's my goal. And here's what I need you to do for me. And the more information that you can give it, the better your output.

So some common challenges, I've already pretty much addressed them in this episode, but just to review three things that I see often are mistakes that we make as business owners when we're using ChatGPT. One is unclear prompts. You're really vague, you're really general, and you're getting inaccurate responses or irrelevant responses that are not going to help you. The second challenge is lack of context. So if you're not providing sufficient details, you're not going to get the specific and relevant outputs that you're seeking. And the third mistake is technical jargon. So you really have to simplify your language to avoid any misinterpretations. What I often tell ChatGPT is when it's writing for me and I'm, you know, I'm giving it a blog post and I'm wanting it to tighten it up or edit it or whatever it is. I always say write in a way that a 10-year-old would understand because with marketing, oftentimes we overcomplicate our messaging. So it's not that you like copy what ChatGPT gives you and then paste it onto Instagram. For me, I always take what it gives me and then I refine it. So I might tighten up the hook or I'll add a personal story in or I'll take out a part or I'll move some things around because it's just not flowing in the way I would put it. Again, AI is an assistant for you. It's not going to replace you. It really is just a helper. And as you start to play with this, you'll discover like maybe it's Instagram that it can help you with, but maybe for you, it's going to help you most with your email marketing. Or maybe you've wanted to start a blog and you're really good at brain dumping all your ideas onto a page, but actually writing it out is really overwhelming. ChatGPT is your assistant who can absolutely help you streamline and organize your thoughts and provide the research that you need to really make sure that you're targeting your ideal clients.

So next week, we are going to dive into how do you seed ChatGPT? How do you specifically use ChatGPT for Instagram? And we're going to talk about specific prompts that you can plug and play to start to give you some content ideas that you're really excited about, that feel like you, that feel like your brand. And I'll also be sharing with you how to create a content calendar so you can stay consistent and show up often for your people so they can count on you. Building that know, like, and trust factor. We got to keep showing up for our people. And ChatGPT is also a great way to repurpose the incredible work that I'm sure you've already put into your marketing. I do this all the time. In fact, it's probably the thing I do the most with ChatGPT because I have created tons and tons of content for both of my brands. And so I can put that into ChatGPT and it can help me repurpose it for other social platforms and other posts as well. So the possibilities are endless. I hope you're feeling really excited to go play and create your own prompts. I invite you to walk away from this episode and design your own prompt that is clear, that gives context and is extremely specific and go back and forth, play with it, and send me a DM on Instagram. Let me know how this lands for you. If you have other questions about it, send me a direct message at Elizabeth Marberry on Instagram. And I cannot wait for next week where we will dive into how to use ChatGPT for Instagram content creation.

Thank you for listening to Strut It. If you're ready to start leveraging Instagram to grow your business, then you're going to want to grab my free Monetize Your IG guide, where you'll learn seven simple and proven ways to finally make money on Instagram. You can grab your guide at That's to get my monetize your IG guide. If you got some incredible value from today's episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. And I cannot wait to strut it with you again next week.


3 Secret ChatGPT Hacks for Faster, Smarter Instagram Content (part 3)


Beginner's Guide to ChatGPT for Instagram Marketing Success (Part 1)