3 Keys to Explode Your Social Media Following

3 Keys to Explode Your Social Media Following

Ready to explode your Instagram growth? I’m re-airing one of the most popular episodes from 2022 with the exact strategies that helped me gain 20K followers in just 30 days! 

Whether you’re struggling with engagement or unsure how to stand out, these three powerful keys will transform your approach. The best part? These strategies are timeless and algorithm-proof! 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • [04:12] Key 1: Get Crystal Clear on Your Niche
    Narrowing down your focus is everything. I share how focusing exclusively on dance content helped me establish myself as an expert and led to massive growth. I can’t stress enough how important it is to really hone your messaging.

  • [09:34] Key 2: Consistency as an Energy
    It’s not just about how often you post; it’s about how you show up. I talk about the energy behind consistency—making sure your content feels aligned with you. Posting at least one reel a day worked for me, but finding what feels sustainable for you is key.

  •  [15:45] Key 3: Show Up Authentically
    Authenticity is what sets you apart in a crowded space. I dive into why showing your humanness and sharing your story is so important. This helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level, turning followers into loyal clients.

Why This Matters:
These three keys aren’t just about getting more followers—they’re about creating real connections, building trust, and converting those followers into clients who are truly aligned with your business.

Bonus Content:

  • I reflect on how much I’ve grown as a speaker and content creator since 2022.

  • I also talk about why it’s important to pivot your messaging when necessary to stay aligned with your brand.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Get crystal clear on your niche—define it and stick to it.

  • Focus on showing up consistently in a way that feels aligned with your energy and goals.

  • Be unapologetically you in your content—share your story and personality to create meaningful connections.

PS: I’m excited to announce that I’m opening up three spots for private mentorship! If you’re interested in working with me 1:1, apply for a free Instagram breakthrough session where we’ll talk about your business, your goals, and how I can support you in fast-tracking your success.

Links mentioned in this episode…

Apply for a complimentary IG breakthrough call! - or DM me the word APPLY on Instagram and you’ll get the link.

If you missed my recent live workshop on creating Instagram Reels, don’t worry! You can still get access to the replay. REGISTER HERE AND WE’LL EMAIL YOU THE REPLAY FROM ALL 3 DAYS!,

Want to dive deeper into using AI for marketing? Check out my four-part mini-series and my interview with AI coach Juan Galan, one of the most popular episodes to date!

JOIN HOT REELS: The 12-Month Instagram Content Lab
An intimate, strategy-packed mentorship for established business owners ready to create killer content that stops the scroll, grows your following and attracts your dreamboat clients (even if you have no idea what to post and feel like you’re always throwing spaghetti at the wall!)

FREE guide to Monetize Your IG: Seven Simple and Proven Ways to Finally Make Money on Instagram

Apply for your FREE Instagram Breakthrough Call with Elizabeth


[20:17] People buy people. They don't buy businesses, they don't buy companies, they don't buy products, they don't buy services, they buy you.


S3 Ep30 - 3 Keys to Explode Your Social Media Following


Back in April of 2022, I was experiencing exponential growth on my personal brand Instagram account. In fact, within 30 days, I got over 20,000 new followers on my page. So today you're in for a treat because I'm going to be re-airing one of my most popular episodes that I dropped during this time of growth. Today, you'll learn three keys you need to implement to not only...


grow your Instagram following and boost your brand visibility, but attract more of your dreamboat clients. This advice is timeless and the best part is it's algorithm proof. I cannot wait to share it with you. Let's do it. Welcome to Struttix.


a podcast about creating bold visibility on social media with zero apologies. I'm Elizabeth Marberry, your host and Instagram marketing coach. I help small business owners get seen on Instagram and monetize their offers so they can make more money doing their sole-led work. If you're tired of spinning your wheels on Instagram and you're seeking simple, proven Instagram marketing strategies that actually work, you're in the right place. Let's dive in.


Welcome back to Strut It. I'm so happy you're here with me today. And I'm excited because we are gonna switch it up a little bit and I'm gonna be re-airing and sharing with you an episode I did back in 2022. Now you may be wondering why would I wanna hear something that you talked about in 2022? I wanna know all the hip things that are going forward with Instagram marketing in 2024 and beyond.


So here's why. A lot of us get frustrated with Instagram and social media because we often tell ourselves the story that no matter what we do, we feel like we're always behind the trends and we can't keep up with what's working on social media while we're also running our business. This episode is one of my most popular, most downloaded episodes. I hope it will show you that you don't always have to be reinventing the wheel and chasing trends.


Look, you're a busy parent, you're a partner, you're a mom, you're a dad, you are a business owner. You are wearing so many different hats and who has time to be constantly studying every single trend and new feature that's released on Instagram every week? I mean, I do that for my clients, but you, my friend, do not have to do that. And so as you listen to this episode, I also wanted to share with you because you're gonna notice how...


I have improved as a speaker. This is me podcasting two years ago. You will notice that I speak differently now. I speak with more authority and confidence. And I wanted to share that journey with you because oftentimes, you know, we see people and we're like, oh my gosh, they're so successful or they're so good at this. They're so good at that. And you don't get to see their chapter one, their chapter two, their chapter five. You're comparing your chapter one to their chapter 30. Right? So I kind of


thought it would be fun for you to listen to my voice, how I have improved as a speaker over time with practice. And it's giving you a little peek into my past where I have pivoted my content focus many different times. Back in 2022, I was in a place of refining the focus for my personal brand account and positioning myself as the dance studio CEO behind my dance studio business.


What you're gonna hear me talking about in this episode is that focus. And if you go to my Instagram page now, a few years later, you're gonna see that I completely have pivoted my messaging, my audience, my focus. So may this also be permission for you to evolve and expand and pivot. I am a firm believer that in order for you to grow the business and life of your dreams, it has to be soul aligned.


for you and the only way to figure out what feels right for you, what is aligned, is to just take that imperfect action and always do the next right thing and follow those breadcrumbs on your path. So I'm excited for you to kind of see where I was at a couple years ago and this advice is seriously marketing gold. It's so incredible and I cannot wait for you to listen to the episode. So let's tune in.


Welcome back to the show. I'm so excited to be talking about one of my favorite things today, which is social media marketing. And it's so crazy, in the past 30 days, my Instagram account has blown up. And the last time I recorded a solo episode for you, I was celebrating 10K followers. And any of you in the social media world know that


10k is like a huge milestone. It's kind of the you're technically an influencer when you have over 10k and it kind of gives you that that sense of like clout and confidence and it was kind of a dream of mine to hit 10k because not just for like a vanity metrics but because it meant that my


people transform their lives. And so I was super pumped to share that I was at 10K with you about a month ago. And I am so excited to share that 30 days later, I am almost at 30K followers on Instagram. That's right, in the last 30 days, I have received almost 20,000 new followers. My engagement rate is up 209%.


The accounts reached, the accounts that I'm reaching every day is up 311%. I was looking at my analytics before I recorded this episode for you because I want to share that this growth, this explosive growth is no coincidence. It has come from strategies and just some really important keys that I'm going to share with you today.


that I have been focusing on in the last year. So while this happened very quickly, it's kind of that thing of when you see someone and you're like, oh my gosh, they're so successful, they're an overnight success, and it's like, no, they're not an overnight success. It was years in the making to get them to that point. And so that's really true for me too. I'm gonna share a little bit more of that story with you today, but.


What I'm really excited to teach you today is three keys to explode your social media marketing. Three keys that I have learned and mastered and have really, they've catapulted my business into like a whole other level. I've reached more people and it's not just that my engagement is up. These people are clicking the links. They are engaging with my business.


are becoming soulmate clients because we all know followers don't really mean anything unless you can convert them into your product, your service, your community, right? I mean, that's why we are marketing our businesses on social media is to magnetize our soulmate clients to us. So let's get into the three keys. Now, I'm gonna be speaking specifically about Instagram today, but know that these


tips are applicable to YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, Facebook, anywhere that you are showing up, these intentions and tips are going to support you. The first key is getting crystal clear on your niche. What are you an expert in? And I want to tell you a little story. So one of my


bringing her on the show to share her wisdom with you very soon. She looked at my Instagram and she said Elizabeth when I look at wedding dance coaches Instagram page I see it and I know exactly what you do. I know who you serve I know the problem you solve I know your solution and I know how to get it. I know the next steps. When I look at your personal brand page Elizabeth Marbury


I have no idea what you do. And that was so eye-opening for me because I had kind of fallen into this trap that a lot of entrepreneurs and visionaries do, which is I was talking about lots of different things, right, because in my content, I probably had 10 to 12 buckets of different content that felt important to me, and I would kind of just


post and write about whatever I felt inspired to on that day. And, but the truth was, when you went to my page and you looked at it, it wasn't crystal clear, like what are you the expert in? What are you the expert in? And so, what I want you to think about today is, yes, you have so many different offerings, right? There's so many different things you could talk about, you could speak about, you could share. But what is the one thing?


that you want to be known as the absolute expert in. So when people think of that one thing, they think of you and your business and your brand and your company. And so that is one of the biggest shifts that I made in the past three to four months on my personal brand Instagram page. I updated my bio to say, Dance Studio CEO.


So I made a very clear intention that this page was now going to be that kind of behind the scenes look at who is Elizabeth Marbury? She is the dance studio CEO behind her brand wedding dance coach. And as the dance studio CEO, what do I love? What is my expertise? It is teaching you how to dance full out, right? It is teaching you how to take up space.


on and off the dance floor. So it's not just learning the moves and feeling confident on the dance floor. It is taking those lessons learned into your life. And in the last three to four months, I made a commitment to myself that I would only post dance content. And let me tell you, that seems really simple and easy.


But for someone like me who's so multi-passionate, who I see all these trends and I wanna hop on that and I wanna share my opinion on this and I wanna talk about that, it took some discipline to really hone in and focus on my one thing. But here's what I did, is I started every day creating content that was dance. It was dance tutorials, it was mindset on the dance floor, it was kind of breaking down the lies around how old you have to be.


to be a good dancer and just really embodying my mission of helping people to take up more space on the dance floor. Everything I posted was around dance. That was a massive step in my explosive growth because here's why. It's one thing to have a video go viral, which I've had many videos go viral, but it's another


you have a video go viral, they click on your profile and within a couple seconds, they're gonna make a decision, do I want to follow this person or not? And they click on your profile and if they look at your profile, their bio, the first few posts, if it's not crystal clear in what you do and how you can help them, they're not gonna follow you. And that is the biggest shift that I saw is in my videos that were getting a lot of views.


hundreds of thousands of views, I was finally getting the follows because people said, oh my gosh, this girl loves to dance. She posts dance videos, she posts dance tutorials. I get so much energy watching her dance. I wanna learn how to dance myself. I could pick up some moves from her. I'm gonna give her a follow. And so it really makes a massive difference in positioning yourself as an expert and.


as an industry leader that can be trusted, right? When you're showing up consistently in your niche, you are really establishing that authority. And it can be scary. It can kind of feel scary to kind of hone in on one thing because of course you're multi-dimensional, but I'm telling you, it makes such a massive difference in the social media marketing. And I will say that you in your story on Instagram,


you can add more nuance, right? You can add the different layers of who you are in your business. But in my posts, I've really, really had that laser focus and it's made all the difference. All right, let's get into the second key. Key number two is be consistent. Now this is not the part of the show where I'm gonna tell you, you have to post three reels a day.


You have to post 12 stories a day. And if you're new to Instagram and you're wondering what I'm talking about, reels are just short form videos. So you can think of like the TikToks or the YouTube shorts. They're usually, you know, five to seven second videos, sometimes a little bit longer than that, but short form video is a really powerful way to market your business. So first of all, let's pause here. If you are not using short form video,


to market your business, what are you doing? Okay, but that's a whole nother episode. So let's talk about what it means to be consistent because lots of different marketers have hacks and rules of like, this is what you have to do to trick the algorithm and this is what you have to do. And what I wanna bring it back to is first of all, I'm gonna share with you the strategy I use. And second of all, I wanna talk about a mindset piece which is really important. So let's do that first.


So Tasha Christie is a human design expert and also an incredible copywriter. I have her coming in to share her wisdom with you very soonly, but she said something to me once that really stuck with me. She said, consistency is an energy. So I really want you to feel into consistency as an energy because I do believe that that is


a massive part of is your marketing going to be effective or ineffective. If you are just pumping out content because some marketing expert told you, you have to post three times a day, it's going to fall flat. It's going to be dull. So creating content from a place of what is fun, what is pleasurable for you, and what is sustainable. So my marketing strategy is, and what I have found that works for me.


is I post at least one reel a day. So seven days a week, I'm posting a reel every day. There are occasional days where I'll post two reels in a day, but it's just usually once a day. And I do share to my stories. I don't have any rules around how many stories I need to have up at any given time, but I do try to always have something going on in my story because both of those pieces are an important part of engagement on Instagram.


Now for you, that might work well for you. Or if you're just starting out, it might feel really overwhelming. So what I want you to ask yourself is what feels exciting or doable for you? Maybe you start with just three reels a week and you commit to being consistent with those reels. And I wanna just pause right there and say, anytime you're doing something new, it's gonna take you longer and you're gonna suck at it.


my first few reels were not good. They were not good at all. And they would take me hours to make. Now I can make a reel in like five minutes and it could get over 100,000 views, right? Or it could not. But my point is that I have mastered it because I do them so often. So that would be one of the...


Positive factors of if you're like, okay, I really want to get good at short form video I'm gonna start creating videos every single day as part of my marketing plan You better believe you're gonna get better at it You're gonna improve on all the fun factors of adding in transitions and text and music and there's so much to learn But what I want to say to you if you're new at this is just start in a bite-sized piece of what feels sustainable


for you because if it's not sustainable, if it's not fun, if it doesn't feel like it's an alignment for you, you're not gonna do it and you're not gonna be consistent. So that goes back to that feeling of consistency is an energy. And I love short form videos because it's a beautiful way of telling your story. It's a beautiful way of people having a face.


with your product or your service or your company. And it's these short consumable pieces of content, which is kind of the world that we live in, right? So whatever it is that you decide to do, be consistent because here's why it's important. Not only does the algorithm, of course, favor accounts that are consistently showing up, they want people to stay on their app. So the more content you create, the more people are spending time on their app.


the algorithm will reward you for that. But to me what's even more important than that is that you're building your audience, you're building that know, like, and trust factor and so if you are showing up consistently, your audience starts to really, they just know that they can count on you. They look forward to your videos, they look forward to what you're gonna put out there.


And we all know that most people need to see your stuff at least eight to 12 times before they're gonna take action, before they're gonna click on the bio, before they're gonna comment, right? Or whatever you want them to do. They need to have a lot of touch points with you. So the more that you can be omnipresent and be kind of available to them, it builds that know like and trust factor, it builds that audience rapport and that.


conversation and connection with your community and then when it is time for them to take action and click the link in your bio or whatever it is your call to action is, they are more likely to do it because you have shown up consistently for them. Okay, the final key, third key that I'm gonna share with you today is be sure that you put you, your humanness, your authentic self in your marketing.


because people buy people. They don't buy businesses, they don't buy companies, they don't buy products, they don't buy services, they buy you. They buy you, they buy your vibe, your story, your why, your purpose behind what you're doing. And that is what is really that piece of


when you feel like you're in a saturated market, right? So many entrepreneurs are like, well, what makes me different? Like there's a thousand other people on Instagram dancing. Why are people gonna follow me? People follow me because I am showing up as my authentic self on social media. I am sharing my story. I am showing all the nuances of my personality.


If you guys follow me on Instagram, you know that I danced with a toy horse and a cowboy hat. I do crazy, silly things. I love to show my silly side. I also did a dance in thigh highs and I did iconic Britney Spears moves and I love being sexy and I love just, I love kind of pushing the envelope of like, what is appropriate, right, for a 40 plus woman to


to dance and show up on Instagram because that is me. I just love, you know, I love sharing my energy. So I'll create videos where it's like, I'm kind of low energy. And then I show through the video how dancing boosts my energy in the hope that it will boost yours as well. And so the more that you can add your humanness into your marketing,


the more your soulmate clients will be emotionally activated and when people are emotionally activated and they feel connected and they feel that sense of belonging, they will take action. They will send you a DM. They'll click the link in your bio. They'll join your community because people are longing for authentic connection. They're longing for that real sense of, hey, we're in this together.


And to me that's so empowering because it can feel overwhelming when you look around and you're like, oh my gosh, there's like a gazillion other business coaches. Like why would I even start a business coaching program? Will you start a business coaching program because you have a uniqueness about you that no one else has your story. No one else has your exact outlook. And the piece of this that I want to share, a mindset piece, is just knowing that


Not everybody is going to like you. Not everybody is going to resonate with you. The more that you are standing in your authenticity and you're kind of taking a stand for what you believe in or how you be, there's gonna be people that are repelled by that content and that's okay. The unfollows, the unsubscribes, we actually welcome that because those are not your people. Those are not your people.


The people who resonate with you, that's who you wanna magnetize. So I want to invite you to show up in your you-ness, allow yourself to be a little bit vulnerable or a lot vulnerable, and really draw your audience into the story behind your brand, behind your product, behind your service, so that they can feel that connection to you and that sense of belonging that we all seek.


and let go of any fears of if I go here, I'm gonna repel these people, that's okay. One of my business coaches once said to me, if you're for everyone, then you're for no one. And that's really true. So pick your lane, go in it, and go all in on yourself, go all in on your business, and you will start to find your people. And that's what has happened with me in the last few months.


is I have found my people and these people have really resonated with me in terms of I am over 40 and I still love to dance. I love to take up space. I love to be silly. I love to embrace my sensuality and my creativity and my expression. I love to dance to boost my energy level and to just increase my joy because life is freaking hard.


Life is hard, so we need to have joy. And so I've received countless messages from people saying, Elizabeth, you have reminded me of who I was before I was so worried about what other people would think of me. In watching your dance videos, I'm reminded of who I am. I'm reminded that I miss dancing, that I'm 55 years old, and I want to dance, but I don't know how. I don't know how to get back into it.


And so what has been born from this growth is I have built a 40 plus online dance community. And that's what happens, you guys. That is the magic of really going all in on your niche, being consistent, and showing up in your you-ness, in your human-ness. You will find your people and


What's really cool about this is that these people have almost built this community for me, right? They have expressed that desire of, I wanna dance like you, but I don't know how. I wanna show up with that confidence. I wanna move my body, but it's been so long, I don't know how to do it. And I'm self-conscious, and I'm awkward, and I have two left feet, and I feel like I always fail when I try.


And so I had this beautiful opportunity to create this community where we could show up in a safe environment, an environment where we will be encouraging of one another, where we'll lift each other up as we learn new dance styles. And of course, along with the dancing comes all of the mindset, right? Of how you speak to yourself, how you're showing up on the dance floors, often how you're showing up in life.


So if you're second guessing yourself all the time, if you're beating yourself up, if that negative self talk is like super turned up on the dance floor, it's probably turned up in other areas of your life. And so all of these people are just coming to me and saying, when can I join your community? How do I join it? And I wanted to share that piece with you because I think a lot of times when we're marketing our business, we think, well, I don't wanna be salesy or I don't wanna like push.


what I'm doing out there. And what I've really discovered is that when you are stepping into your power and you're getting clear on your niche and you're being consistent and you're being you, the right people are gonna say, hey, how do I receive your service? How do I receive your product? Because they're actually asking you for the sale, right? Versus you begging them. And so it's been a wild journey and I'm gonna go ahead and link the


opportunity to join our 40 plus dance community in the show notes if that's something that is resonating for you right now if you're listening and you're like oh my gosh i'm over 40 and i want to dance and this sounds super fun i want to do live dance parties with you elizabeth and i want to boost my energy and my confidence on the dance floor and off click the link in the show notes i'll be sure to include that and of course you know i'll be putting it on my social media channels as well but


I hope that you have really taken away some golden nuggets from this episode today that you can implement into your marketing. And again, it's not just on Instagram, it's all the places that you're showing up, really going all in on you. And I cannot wait to see what you create.


I hope you enjoyed this blast from the past episode and that you learned something new today. You learned something that you are going to not just listen to, but go and implement in the next week, in the next month. And I am here to support you. As always, DM me on Instagram. Let me know, like, what did you learn in this episode? If you loved it, share it with a business bestie. And remember, I recently opened up a couple more private mentorship slots.


for the final quarter of this year. So if you're interested in learning more about my private Instagram growth programs and how I can support you to shortcut your learning curve, 10X your following and attract more of your dreamboat clients in less time, then go to ElizabethMarberry.com slash application. You'll fill out the application and then we will hop on a free Instagram breakthrough call together so I can identify where you're at and help you.


figure out your next right step. Again, you'll go to Elizabethmarberry.com slash application to apply for a free call with me and we can explore which of my private mentorship containers is going to get you the best results for your big, bold business dreams. Thank you so much for listening and I can't wait to see you back here next week. Thank you for listening to Strut It. If you're ready to start leveraging Instagram to grow your business,


then you're gonna wanna grab my free monetize your IG guide where you'll learn seven simple and proven ways to finally make money on Instagram. You can grab your guide at elizabethmarberry.com slash freebies. That's elizabethmarberry.com slash freebies to get my monetize your IG guide. If you got some incredible value from today's episode,


Be sure to leave a review and subscribe on your favorite PodCast platforms, and I cannot wait to start it with you again next week.


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